
  • 🟢Italian Campaign (1796)

    🟢Italian Campaign (1796)
    The campaign was successful for Napoleon because he managed to defeat a series of much larger Austrian and allied armies, conquer most of northern Italy
  • 🔴🔴Egyptian Campaign (1798-1801)

    🔴🔴Egyptian Campaign (1798-1801)
    the campaign was meant for France to claim more territory and stop British trades and once again weaken their economy but napoleon drastically lost.
  • 🟢Consulate napoleon (1799-1804)

    🟢Consulate napoleon (1799-1804)
    Napoleon declared himself First Consul for Life. A new constitution of his own devising legislated a succession to rule for his son which he had not yet. i would say this was somewhat successful due to this causing other big events Napoleon did.
  • 🟡🟡Banque de France (1800)

    🟡🟡Banque de France (1800)
    Napoleon created the Banque de France to overcome economic recovery after the strong recession of the revolutionary period. this helped recover a lot of the money but eventually lead to some down sides
  • Concordat of 1801 🟢🟢🟢

    Concordat of 1801 🟢🟢🟢
    The concordat of 1801 was an agreement between the French state and the Catholic Church that reconciled the Church with the anti- religious policies established during the French Revolution. and was very successful for the religion. It increased the amount of people in that religion
  • 🟢Consul for life (1802)

    Consul for life carrries on the original stuff Napoleon did in the Consulate stating that his son would basically be in power when he has on e
  • Napoleonic Code (1804)🟢🟢🟢

    Napoleonic Code (1804)🟢🟢🟢
    The Napoleonic code defined the concept of equality before the law and also secured the right to property and basically made all laws simple. This code was very successful most of the world adopted this code.
  • 🟢🟢Napoleon Declared self emperor (1804)

    🟢🟢Napoleon Declared self emperor (1804)
    Napoleon declared himself the emperor of France in 1804. His ambitions extended to more than just France he was very successful for a while and improved France a lot.
  • Battle of Trafalgar (October 25 1805)🔴🔴🔴

    Battle of Trafalgar (October 25 1805)🔴🔴🔴
    British and French navy forces fought and British ended up winning. Napoleon lost to the Duke of Wellington and over 16,000 French soilders died or got injured.
  • 🔴🔴Continental System (1806)

    🔴🔴Continental System (1806)
    Napoleon wanted to build up Europe's manufacturing and industry by trying to weaken British economy by banning their trade routes basically which ended up bein unsuccessful and lead to Napoleons fall.
  • 🟢🟢Abolished Holy Roman Empire(1806)

    🟢🟢Abolished Holy Roman Empire(1806)
    The Holy Roman Empire had survived over a thousand years when it was finally was destroyed by Napoleon and the French and was fairly good that they did that do to the empire having to much power.
  • 🔴Invasion of Russia Jun (24, 1812 – Dec 14, 1812)

    🔴Invasion of Russia Jun (24, 1812 – Dec 14, 1812)
    Napoleon attempted to capture Moscow which he successfully did but it was abandoned so after loosing half a million soilders fighting and only making it out with 100,000 it was one of the worse military loses in history. And it severely effected the European military
  • 🔴Battle of Nations at Leipzig (1813)

    🔴Battle of Nations at Leipzig (1813)
    This battle ended up being a defeat for Napoleon, resulting in the destruction of what was left of French power in Germany and Poland. Since his military power was gone in those parts of Europe it was a unsuccessful event for Napoleon
  • Resistance in Spain (1814) 🔴🔴🔴

    Resistance in Spain (1814) 🔴🔴🔴
    After 5 years if fighting Spain French groups are pushed out of Spain and fail the attack.
  • 🔴🔴Abdication (1815)

    🔴🔴Abdication (1815)
    Napoleon had to Abdicate because of his unsuccessful invasion of Russia which lead to a massive European alliance against Napoleon. this would obviously be unsuccessful for Napoleon due to Europe being against him
  • 🔴🔴Waterloo(1815)

    The Battle of Waterloo was fought between Napoleon's French Army and a coalition led by the Duke of Wellington and Marshal Blucher which basically destroyed Napoleons power.
  • 🟢🟢 hundred days napoleon (1815)

    🟢🟢 hundred days napoleon (1815)
    The Hundred Days also known as the War of the Seventh Coalition, marked the period between Napoleon's return. so i would say this was successful because napoleon returned.