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  • Italian campaign (green)

    Italian campaign (green)
    During Napoleon's first Italian campaign of the Revolutionary Wars, his Armée d'Italie besieged Mantua, the centre of Austrian power in Italy. The Austrians sent a large army to break the siege and to counter this strategy Napoleon determined to cut their supply line.
  • Egyptian campaign(red)

    Egyptian campaign(red)
    Napoleon Bonaparte's campaign in the Ottoman territories of Egypt and Syria, proclaimed to defend French trade interests, to establish scientific enterprise in the region.
  • Consulate(green)

    Napoleon served as first consul of France from 1799 to 1804. In that time, Napoleon reformed the French educational system, developed a civil code (the Napoleonic Code)
  • Banque de France(green)

    Banque de France(green)
    Napoleon Bonaparte created the Banque de France to foster economic recovery after the strong recession of the revolutionary period.
  • Concordat of 1801(red)

    Concordat of 1801(red)
    Napoleon Bonaparte and Pope Pius XVII signed an agreement called the Concordat, which was an agreement between the French state and the Catholic Church that reconciled the Church with the anti-religious policies established during the French Revolution.
  • Council for life(green)

    Council for life(green)
    In August 1802, Napoleon proclaimed himself First Consul for Life. A new constitution of his own devising legislated a succession to rule for his son
  • Napoleonic Code(yellow)

    Napoleonic Code(yellow)
    Established equality of citizens before the law, religious toleration, and merit-based advancement.
    Undid some reforms of the Revolution especially for woman
  • Declared self emperor(green)

    Declared self emperor(green)
    Military General Napoleon Bonaparte declared himself the emperor of France in 1804.
  • Battle of Trafalgar(green)

    Battle of Trafalgar(green)
    The Battle of Trafalgar was a naval engagement between the British Royal Navy and the combined fleets of the French and Spanish Navies during the War of the Third Coalition of the Napoleonic Wars.
  • Abolish Holy Roman Empire(green)

    Abolish Holy Roman Empire(green)
    Napoleon set up the Confederation of the Rhine, grouping together a large number of formerly indepedent states, and forced the Emperor to abdicate his position.
  • Continental System(Red)

    Continental System(Red)
    The Continental System was Napoleon's strategy to weaken Britain's economy by banning trade between Britain and states occupied by or allied with France
  • resistance in spain (Red)

    resistance in spain (Red)
    Most Spaniards rejected French rule and fought a bloody war to oust them. The war on the peninsula lasted until the Sixth Coalition defeated Napoleon in 1814, and is regarded as one of the first wars of national liberation. (Fail)
  • Invasion of Russia(red)

    Invasion of Russia(red)
    French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, crossed the Neman River, invading Russia from present-day Poland. The result was a disaster for the French.
  • Battle of Leipzig(red)

    Battle of Leipzig(red)
    The unified armed forces of Russia, Prussia, Austria and Sweden prevailed in a decisive victory over Napoleon and his allies on German soil.
  • Hundred Days(yellow)

    Hundred Days(yellow)
    Marked the period between Napoleon's return from eleven months of exile on the island of Elba to Paris on 20 March 1815 and the second restoration of King Louis XVIII on 8 July 1815.
  • Waterloo (red)

    Waterloo (red)
    A French army under the command of Napoleon was defeated by two of the armies of the Seventh Coalition.
  • Abdication(fail for him)(red)

    Abdication(fail for him)(red)
    Napoleon was forced to abdicate in April 1814 after his unsuccessful invasion of Russia resulted in a broad European alliance against him. In the Treaty of Fontainebleau, Napoleon abdicated the throne and renounced his heirs' claim to any future throne in France.