• Period: to

    Italian Campaign

    This campaign consisted of many battles in northern Italy between France and the coalition. Here Napoleon set up some puppet states and spread Frances revolutionary ideals throughout Europe. ✅
  • Campaign In Egypt

    Campaign In Egypt
    When the super popular napoleon returned to France after the first coalition the super unpopular government thought he might get some power hungry ideas. So they sent him away from France to Egypt where he could possibly undermine British access to Egypt. Napoleon brought a team of scholars with him and documented their findings in Egypt. And then British admiral Nelson came down and wrecked napoleons fleet. And after being defeated Acre, Napoleon abandoned his men and returned to France. ❌
  • First Consulate

    First Consulate
    When Napoleon overthrew the government they were indimidated into writing a new constitution which had 3 consuls in charge, but after Napoleon did some rewriting it was really only 1 consul in charge. And over time he worked to obtain more power and basically became a dictator. 🔆
  • Banque de France

    Banque de France
    After the French Revolution the economy was pretty bust so Napoleon decided to do something about it. He created a new national bank called the Banque de France which is still used today. Additionally he also added currency reform and improvements on taxation and welfare systems. ✅
  • Concordat of 1801

    Concordat of 1801
    One thing that resulted in the French Revolution was France basically kicking the Catholic Church to the curb and since many French citizens still considered themselves Catholic Napoleon and Pope Pius IV came to an agreement and brought back the church. However this time it came with some pretty hefty power limitations. He’s also known for his positive treatment of Jewish people at a time of widespread antisemitism. ✅
  • Consul for life

    Consul for life
    Now traditionally a consul would not run the country for their whole life. For example early Roman consuls would serve for one year and then new ones were elected, but Napoleon wanted to rule until the day he died. So he made himself first consul FOR LIFE. ✅
  • Code of Napoleon

    Code of Napoleon
    At this point France’s legal system was pretty bad so Napoleon took all those civil laws and wrapped them up neatly in a new centralized legal code. Borrowing ideas from Romanic law and Germanic law. And surprisingly the Napoleonic code is still used by some countries today including Belgium, Luxembourg, and Monaco. ✅
  • Self Appointed Emperor

    Self Appointed Emperor
    Napoleon wanted his dynasty to live on after him, so he thought First Consul for Life simply wasn’t enough. So he asked the French people to vote if it was cool if he became emperor and they returned a definitely not rigged 99.9% in favor. And so in an elaborate ceremony at Notre Dame Napoleon became emperor. And the pope showed up and usually the pope crowns the emperor but to show everyone this wasn’t some circular power division Napoleon lifted the crown on his own head. 🔆
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    A naval battle during the third coalition between Great Britain vs France and Spain. And doing some sneaky maneuvers Horatio Nelson was able to beat the Spanish and French. However during the battle Norario Nelson died. ❌
  • Abolishment of the Holy Roman Empire

    Abolishment of the Holy Roman Empire
    The very old empire finally came to a close during the third coalition. The decline of the Holy Roman Empire was a very slow process but the French Revolution and Napoleonic wars sped things up. And eventually Napoleon defeated and dissolved the Holy Roman Empire. ✅
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    After not being able to invade Great Britain due to their naval superiority he tried to fight them with money. Napoleon announced the Continental system, a total shutoff from Britain and continental trade. He hoped this would weaken Britains economy and force them to negotiate. At first Britains economy did take a hit, but they simply just expanded their trade elsewhere. 🔆
  • Period: to

    Resistance in Spain

    After Napoleon controlled Spain, the Spanish people weren’t too happy by being controlled by a foreign power and especially one that had previously kicked the Catholic Church to the curb. So the people of Spain revolted and fighting broke out. Horrible atrocities were committed by both sides. And in addition to fighting the standard Spainish and Portuguese forces they also had to fight thousands of guerrilla fighters. The British even started took the opportunity to land an army. ❌
  • Period: to

    Invasion of Russia

    Due to the Russian economy tanking due to the continental system Russia began to open up trade with Great Britain. And in response Napoleon built a huge force of 650,000 men and started his invasion. And since Napoleon would relay on shocking speed the Russians ran away and scorched the earth. And eventually Napoleon took Moscow. But then winter began to set in and Napoleon had to get out and only returned with 60,000. ❌
  • Period: to

    Battle of the Nations

    As Napoleons forces approached the coalition he kinda got into a pickle. The coalition had a plan that whoever Napoleon advanced on would avoid combat and the other nations would try to flank him. And this plan worked amazingly. They pushed Napoleon all the way to Leipzig, where he would take his final stand. Almost half a million troops from a dozen nations would fight in the bloodiest battle of the Napoleonic wars. Eventually Napoleon ordered a retreat resulting in a terrible French loss. ❌
  • Period: to

    Hundred Days

    After returning to France from Elba and even though the king to arrest Napoleon and since they were his old soldiers and unhappy with the king they joined his side and reclaimed his thrown. And even tho Napoleon promised he would be a mucho mucho good boy and not start any wars the coalition wasn’t having it and declared war on Napoleon.
  • Waterloo

    The 100 hundred days basically ended with this battle. The coalition combined their forces to invade France. Napoleon tried to start north with Britain and Prussia but with miss communication and hesitation from napoleons men they were able to retreat and held a defensive position at Waterloo. And in order to win Napoleon would have to defeat the British before the Prussians got there. Unfortunate for Napoleon the Prussians arrived and sent him packing. And thus Napoleon was finally defeated. ❌
  • Abdication

    After his defeat Napoleon asked the British if he could have a house near London. And they responded by saying no. And to make sure Napoleon was put away once and for all he was excited to an island off the coast of Africa called St. Helena. Here Napoleon would live for the rest of his life guarded by 2,000 British soldiers and two naval ships that circled the island 24 hours a day. Once the powerful man alive now a depressed old man. He eventually died at 51 probably of stomach cancer. ❌