
  • Italian Campaign (Green)

    Italian Campaign (Green)
    Lasted from 1796 to 1797. Napoleon conquered a large portion of northern Italy for France. This was a large success for Napoleon, as he discovered his aptitude for leadership and power.
  • Egyptian Campaign (Yellow)

    Egyptian Campaign (Yellow)
    Napoleon leads an expedition to Egypt in an attempt to disrupt British trade with India. The campaign is a failure overall, but Napoleon does succeed in hiding how poorly it went from the public, so it can be considering a partial success.
  • Consulate (Green)

    Consulate (Green)
    Creation of the three man consulate. Napoleon takes the title first consul. This was a success for Napoleon, as it allows him to eventually make himself consul for life.
  • Banque De France (Green)

    Banque De France (Green)
    A national bank is formed in France. This was a very good event for both Napoleon and France, as it established a uniform currency and a place to keep money.
  • Concordat of 1801 (Green)

    Concordat of 1801 (Green)
    Napoleon makes peace with the Catholic Church and brings it firmly under state rule. This is a success, as it garners favor with the many Catholic French citizens and the clergy.
  • Consul for Life (Green)

    Consul for Life (Green)
    Napoleon names himself consul for life. This is a success, as it ensures that he is always in power and continue building his popularity with the people without being taken out of the consulate.
  • Napoleon Names Himself Emperor (Green)

    Napoleon Names Himself Emperor (Green)
    Napoleon is crowned as emperor and places the crown on his own head. This is a success for Napoleon, as he now has full control over France and makes this clear by taking the crown from the pope.
  • Napoleonic Code (Yellow)

    Napoleonic Code (Yellow)
    Reforms legal French code and makes it better reflect ideas of the enlightenment. This was a success for Napoleon, as it got rid of many feudal property relations and set a uniform code of law for the French. It did, however, undo some rights previously given.
  • Battle of Trafalgar (Red)

    Battle of Trafalgar (Red)
    British forces destroy the French fleet. This is a failure for Napoleon, as he can no longer execute an invasion of Britain.
  • Continental System (Red)

    Continental System (Red)
    Napoleon attempts to isolate Britain by closing ports to their goods. While it was meant to weaken them financially, this ended up failing to be as devastating as Napoleon wanted. It caused many shortages in Europe and hurt his own land as much as it did Britain.
  • Holy Roman Empire Abolished (Green)

    Holy Roman Empire Abolished (Green)
    Napoleon abolishes the Holy Roman Empire. This was a success for him, as it allowed him to split up the land and bring it under French protection.
  • Spanish Resistance (Red)

    Spanish Resistance (Red)
    Spanish troops fight tooth and nail against French forces and introduce guerrilla warfare. This is a failure for Napoleon, as his forces are bled dry. Additionally, the seeds of resistance planted here eventually cause other nations to revolt against French rule, a big part of Napoleon’s downfall.
  • Invasion of Russia (Red)

    Invasion of Russia (Red)
    Napoleon entered Russia in 1812. He had to quickly retreat however, and this proved to be one of the most devastating losses of Napoleon’s career as he lost all but 20,000 of the original 600,000 troops he sent in.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig (Red)

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig (Red)
    Britain, Prussia, Austria, and Russia form an alliance and attack the French. This battle was when Napoleon was defeated, which would soon lead to his abdication.
  • Abdication (Yellow)

    Abdication (Yellow)
    Napoleon abdicates and is exiled to Elba. While this seemed entirely bad for him at first, the fear of returning to the old ways of France increased support for Napoleon enough that he would be able to briefly return.
  • 100 Days (Green)

    100 Days (Green)
    Napoleon returns in March of 1815 to France and regains power. This would be a temporary but large success for him after being exiled away.
  • Waterloo (Red)

    Waterloo (Red)
    Napoleon is finally defeated for the last time and exiled to Elba once more. He never returns to France, and loses all power he’d gained.