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  • Italian campaign (green)

    Italian campaign (green)
    During Napoleon’s revolution Austria sent an army to stop Napoleons plan of stopping Austria supply line.
  • Egyptian campaign (red)

    Egyptian campaign (red)
    Napoleon’s campaign in Ottoman territory was to defend French trade interests such as establishing scientific enterprise.
  • Consulate(green)

    Napoleon served in the first council in France from 1799 to 1804, during this time he reformed the French education system and developed the Napoleon Code
  • Banque de France(green)

    Banque de France(green)
    The Banque de France was a foster economic recovery after the revolutionary period, created by Napoleon.
  • Concordat of 1801(red)

    Concordat of 1801(red)
    In 1801 Napoleon and Pope Pius XVII signed an agreement between French state and Catholic Church which reconciled the church with anti religious policies, this was known as the Concordat.
  • Council for Life(green)

    Council for Life(green)
    Napoleon pronounced himself First Consul for Life, a new succession to rule his son.
  • Napoleonic code(yellow

    Napoleonic code(yellow
    Established equality of citizens before the law, religious toleration, and merit-based advancement.
    Undid some reforms of the Revolution especially for women.
  • Declared self Emperor (green)

    Declared self Emperor (green)
    Napoleon declared himself Frances emperor.
  • Battle of Trafalger(green)

    Battle of Trafalger(green)
    Battle between British Navy and combined fleets French and Spanish Navies during the third war of Napoleonic Wars.
  • Abolish Holy Roman Empire(green)

    Abolish Holy Roman Empire(green)
    Napoleon grouped a large number of past independent states and forced the Emperor to resign his position.
  • Continental System(red)

    Continental System(red)
    Napoleon’s plan was to weaken British economy by banning trade between Britain and all state relations with France.
  • Resistance in Spain (red)

    Resistance in Spain (red)
    Most of Spain rejected French rule, so they set out a war and they defeated Napoleon and began the wars of National Liberation.
  • Invasion of Russia (RED)

    Invasion of Russia (RED)
    Napoleon led the French into Russia for an invasion and the French lost terribly against Russia. Main reason was it was winter
  • Battle of Leipzig (red)

    Battle of Leipzig (red)
    Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden were victorious over Napoleon and his allies on German territory.
  • Hundred Days(yellow)

    Hundred Days(yellow)
    Napoleon returns as second to King Louis XVIII after eleven months of exile on the island Elba.
  • Waterloo (red)

    Waterloo (red)
    Napoleon which was commanding a French army was defeated by two Seventh Coalition armies.
  • Abdication (fail for him)red

    Abdication (fail for him)red
    Napoleon was outcasted to abdicate after his unsuccessful invasion of Russia. Napoleon left the throne and renounced his heirs to any throne in France.