
  • Enlightenment starts

    Enlightenment starts
    The enlightenment started in 1658, when everyone starts using reason and logic to understand the world
  • Birth of Napoleon

    Birth of Napoleon
    Napoleon was born in August 15 1769
  • Marie Antoinette

    Marie Antoinette
    She was the last queen of France before the French revolution
  • Napoleon Moved to France

    Napoleon Moved to France
    Napoleon Bonaparte moved to France in June of 1779
  • Napoleon start schooling same year he moved to France

    Napoleon start schooling same year he moved to France
    Napoleon Moved to France and started school at a school in Autun France.
  • Voltaires writing of Rights of man

    Voltaires writing of Rights of man
    The rights of man was a writing on Religious tolerance, Freedom of speech, and individual rights.
  • Convening of the estates general

    Convening of the estates general
    The initial spark of the revolution, where representatives from the three social classes (clergy, nobility, and commoners) gathered to address France's financial crisis, leading to the formation of the National Assembly by the Third Estate (commoners).
  • French revolution starts

    French revolution starts
    The French revolution started in November 9th 1799, King Louie XVI needed money but failed to raise the taxes
  • Tennis court oath

    Tennis court oath
    the Tennis court oath was a dramatic act of defiance
  • The Bastille was stormed

    The Bastille was stormed
    The Bastille was a state prison seizing 250 barrels of gun powder until the Parisians stormed the Bastille
  • Rise of the political Clubs

    Rise of the political Clubs
    A Jacobin was a member of the Jacobin Club, a revolutionary political movement that was the most famous political club during the French Revolution (1789–1799). The club got its name from meeting at the Dominican rue Saint-Honoré Monastery of the Jacobins.
  • The meeting of the estates

    The meeting of the estates
    The 3 estates met up and had an assembly to Address Frances Financial problems
  • The National assembly

    The National assembly
    Dissolution of the National Assembly. The long-awaited constitution finally came into effect on September 30, 1791.
  • French Republic was established

    French Republic was established
    These guys followed the abolishment of the Anarchy
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    The reign of terror was a period in the French revolution that was very violent
  • Execution of the King Louie XVI

    Execution of the King Louie XVI
    The execution of King Louis XVI by guillotine marked the end of the monarchy and a significant shift in power dynamics.
  • The Execution of Maximilien Robespierre

    The Execution of Maximilien Robespierre
    Maximilien Robespierre, one of the principal figures in the French Revolution, was executed on July 28, 1794.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    At this time he was a French general who rose to prominence during the wars
  • Becoming First Consul

    Becoming First Consul
    Napoleon seized power as the First Consul of France, marking the start of his consolidation of authority.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte rises to power

    Napoleon Bonaparte rises to power
    Napoleon overthrew the goverernment in 1799
  • Napoleonic codes

    Napoleonic codes
    A set of legal reforms that standardized French law and eliminated feudalism
  • Battle of Jena-Auerstedt

    Battle of Jena-Auerstedt
    A decisive victory against Prussia.