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Start of the french revolution
King Louis XVI needed money. His financial crisis forced the French monarch to reluctantly convene the Estates General in order to levy a new land tax that would hopefully solve his monetary woes. It had been 175 years since the last meeting of this deliberative body that included representatives of three Estates: the First comprised of the clergy, the Second comprised of the nobility and the Third comprised of the middle and lower classes. -
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Battle of toulon
The naval battle of toulon or battle of cape sic took place in the 22 to 23 of February. It took place in the mediterranean in the combined franco Spanish fleet. -
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Egyptian campaign
While Bonaparte waited for the right moment to seize power, he looked to win new glories. Great Britain dominated the seas and enjoyed unbridled success in overseas trade. France was still at war with Great Britain, and Bonaparte hoped to disrupt British trade routes to India and establish French domination in the exotic east. -
Napoleon Bonapartes birth
Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and led several successful campaigns during the Revolutionary Wars. -
18 Brumaire
The coup of 18 Brumaire brought General Napoleon Bonaparte to power as First Consul of France, and, in the view of most historians, ended the French Revolution. -
Retreat from Moscow
Following the rejection of his Continental System by Czar Alexander I, French Emperor Napoleon I invaded Russia with his Grande Armée on June 24, 1812. The enormous army, featuring more than 500,000 soldiers and staff, was the largest European military force ever assembled to that date. -
Napoleonic Code
The french civil code was established in 1804 by napoleon. It was drafted by a commission of four eminent jurists and entered into force on march 21 1804. -
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Peninsular war
the peninsular happened between 1804 to 1807. It was a militia conflict between napoleons empire and alien powers of Spain Britain Portugal for control of the Liberian peninsular during the napoleonic -
Battle of Trafalgar
Drafted in October 21 1805 the battle of trafalgar was a naval engagement fought by the combined fleets on the french and Spanish navies during the war of the third coalition of the napoleon -
Battle of Austerlitz
Dated on December 2, 1805. The battle of Austerlitz is also known as the battle of the three emperor. It was one of the most important and decisive engagements of napoleonic wars -
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Continental system
Starting November 21, 1807 ending December 17, 1807. The continental system was a blockade designed by napoleon to paralyze great Britain through the destruction of British commerce. -
Invasion of Russia
The invasion of Russia as the patriot war of 1812. In France as Russian campaign began on June 24 1812 when napoleons grande armee tossed the Neman river in an attempt to engage and defeat the Russian army. Napoleon hoped to compel tsar alexander of Russia to cease trading with British merchants. -
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The battle of Leipzig
The battle of Leipzig is also known as the battle of the nations. It was fought from 16 to 19 October 1813, at Leipzig, Saxony.
The coalition armies of Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden, led by Tsar Alexander I of Russia and Karl Philipp, Prince of Schwarzenberg, decisively defeated the French army of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French. -
Exile to elba
On this day in 1814. Napoleon Bonaparte, emperor of France and one of the greatest military leaders in history, abdicates the throne, and, in the Treaty of Fontainebleau, is banished to the Mediterranean island of Elba. -
Exile to St. Helena
Within eleven months, however, Napoleon was back on the European continent at the head of a hastily-raised army intent on restoring Napoleon to the throne of France. Napoleon's defeat came in June 1815 at the Battle of Waterloo. -
The battle of waterloo
The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815. It was fought near Waterloo in present-day Belgium, then part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. -
Napoleon Bonapartes Death
Napoleon was subsequently exiled to the island of Saint Helena off the coast of Africa. Six years later, he died, most likely of stomach cancer, and in 1840 his body was returned to Paris, where it was interred in the Hotel des Invalides. His personal physician reported on his death certificate that Napoleon died of stomach cancer, but scientists, historians and enthusiasts have questioned the conclusion repeatedly over the last two centuries. Surely, said many, he was poisoned.