
  • Italian campaign🟢

    Italian campaign🟢
    Napoleon defeated Piedmont, and then Austria attempted to slow him down in the Italian village,Lodi.
  • Egyptian campaign🟡

    Egyptian campaign🟡
    Napoleon had an expedition in Egypt in attempts to mess up trade between the British and India.
  • Consulate🟢

    Napoleon helped overthrow the Directory and produce the Consulate. The Consulate is made up of a three man governing board.
  • Banque de France🟢

    Banque de France🟢
    The Banqu de France was created by Napoleon in order to help the economy recovery.
  • Concordat of 1801🟢

    Concordat of 1801🟢
    Napoleon and the Catholic Church make peace in the Concordat of 1801. This recognized Catholics religious freedom while also keeping it under state control.
  • Consul for Life🟡

    Consul for Life🟡
    Napoleon said he would be the First Consul for Life. Claiming that once he had a son, his son would rule after him.
  • Napoleonic Code🔴

    Napoleonic Code🔴
    This was a new set of laws. It had many principles from the Enlightenment including religious tolerance and the equality of citizens before law. The code also took away many of women’s rights that had recently gained. Men once again got full authority over the women and children of their houses.
  • Declared self-emperor🟡

    Declared self-emperor🟡
    Napoleon invited the pope to his coronation only to take the crown from the pope and put it on his head himself. He did this to show that he only owed his throne to himself.
  • Continental System🔴

    Continental System🔴
    Napoleon attempts to start economic warfare, and closed off ports to English goods. Britain responds by shutting off ports as well. Then the British attacked American ships , and caused the War of 1812.
  • Battle of Trafalgar🔴

    Battle of Trafalgar🔴
    Britain was fighting with France. They were attempting to stop Napoleon’s aspirations to rule the entire continent. Britain won and this led Napoleon to use the Continental System to cause economic warfare.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire🟢

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire🟢
    Napoleon and the French abolished the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Resistance in Spain🔴

    Resistance in Spain🔴
    Napoleon tricked both the king and prince and imprisoned them. Then he appointed his brother the new king of Spain. He then stationed over 100,000 French troops in Madrid. The British helped Portugal and Spain. Within the next 5yrs France was pushed out of Spain
  • Invasion of Russia🔴

    Invasion of Russia🔴
    Napoleon and the tsar grew wary of one another until Napoleon finally invaded Russia. He invaded with 600,000 soldiers and 50,000 horses.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig🔴

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig🔴
    Napoleon was defeated and the last of French power in Hermany and Poland was destroyed.
  • Abdicated🟡

    Napoleon stepped down from the throne, and this is exiled to Elba. Louis XVIII is now recognized the king of France, but only for about a year until Napoleon returns.
  • 100 Days🟡

    100 Days🟡
    Napoleon comes back to Paris triumphantly, and has only 100 days of peace while the allies regrouped.
  • Waterloo🔴

    Napoleon’s enemies met near Waterloo. After a lengthy battle, Napoleon was exiled to never return.