

By emilyla
  • Napoleon is Born

    Napoleon is Born
    Napoleon was born in 1769 in Corsica, an island in the Mediterranean. This was only a few months after France had annexed the island.
  • Napoleon is Military Captain

    Napoleon is Military Captain
  • Napoleon is Military Commander

    Napoleon is Military Commander
    Two years after the commitee of public safety made him a brigadier general he became commander of the French armies in Italy.
  • Napoleon is Emperor

    Napoleon is Emperor
    Napoleon took part inthe coup d'etat that overthrew the Directory and set up the consulate. In 1802 he was made consul for life and two years later he crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I.
  • Peace with the Church

    Peace with the Church
    Napoleon came to an agreement with the pope, which recognized Catholicism as the religion of France. With this agreement, the Catholic Church was no longer an enemy of the French government.
  • British Resistance

    British Resistance
    Naopleon hoped to invade Britain, but the British defeated the combined French-Spanish fleet at Trafalgar.
  • French Victory

    French Victory
    French had a victory at Austerlitz in the Austrian Empire.
  • A New Bureaucracy

    A New Bureaucracy
    Napoleon created a new aristocracy based on meritorious service to the nation. between 1808 and 1814 Napoleon created 3200 nobles.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    Napoleon's grand army entered Russia. Once they had an indecisive victory at Borodino, Napoleon led the "Great Retreat" back to Poland returning with only 1/15 of his original army.
  • Napoleon is exiled

    Napoleon is exiled
    After the French military disaster in Russia other European states attacked the weka french army. Paris was captured and Napoleon was exiled to Elba.
  • Final Defeat

    Final Defeat
    After Napoleon returned to Paris he met a combined Brittish and Prussian army at Waterloo in Belgium. He suffered defeated and was exiled to St. Helena where he died.
  • Quickwrite

    I believe that Napoleon was able to preserve some of the gains and goals of the French Revolution but no all. Like most dictators, he got power hungry and made a military mistake trying to exoand France which led to his downfall. In his early reign he served France well and maintained the ideals that were set for government and social systemts during the French Revolution.