Noam chomsky 2010

Naom Chomsky(Born 12/7/1928)

  • Manufacturing Consent

    Manufacturing Consent
    "Manufacturing Consent" is an analysis of mass media in the United States. It argues that the mainstream media serves the interests of the powerful elite by controlling the narrative and shaping public opinion through selective coverage, emphasis, and framing of news events. The authors coined the term "propaganda model" to describe how the media operate as a system of filters that restrict what information is disseminated to the public.
  • Propaganda And The Public Mind

    Propaganda And The Public Mind
    Chomsky has been a vocal critic of American foreign policy and a proponent of left-wing politics. His critiques of capitalism, imperialism, and authoritarianism have been influential in the field of political philosophy, particularly among those on the left. published in 2001, Propaganda and the Public Mind constitutes a series of discussions with the journalist David Barsamian about foreign interventions and propaganda
  • Language and Mind: Noam Chomsky

    Language and Mind: Noam Chomsky
    Chomsky is famous for his theory of transformational-generative grammar, which argues that humans possess innate linguistic abilities that enable them to acquire language rapidly and effortlessly. This theory challenged the then-dominant behaviorist view of language acquisition and sparked a revolution in the study of language and cognition
  • citations

    Barsamian, D., & Chomsky, N. (2001). Propaganda and the public mind : conversations with Noam Chomsky. Pluto Press. Herman, Edward S., and Chomsky, Noam. Manufacturing consent. New York, Pantheon Books, 1988. Chomsky, N. (2006). Language and mind (Third edition.). Cambridge University Press.