Nancy Cartwright's New Philosophy of Physics
Nancy Cartwright makes an argument for Theoretical Law and Anti-Realism. In her writing she also explains fundamental laws, theoretical entities and causes and talks about quantum mechanics. -
Nancy Cartwright's Philosophy of Science
Part one of this book challenges old models and theories in science. Cartwright is a realist and looks at how to utilize science to solve problems. Part two of this book goes over causes and capacities within the sciences. Part three talks about antifundamentals and the disunity of science. -
A philosopher's view of the long road from RCTs to effectiveness
In this article, Cartwright debates the need for randomized controlled trials to provide evidence for medicinal practices. She states addresses this in the following statement, 'Causal claims entering evidence-based medicine fail to attend to these differences makes much current guidance about evidence for medical and social policy misleading'. -
Evidence Based Policy: A Practical Guide to Doing it Better
This policy was an effort to provide the reader with a bases to purpose an argument that was rigorous in nature. Cartwright put this policy in place to provide a structure to draw scientific conclusions from all of the facts. -
Video on Nancy Cartwright
Nancy Cartwright's Contributions to the Philosophy of Science
Cartwright contributed to the philosophy of science by trying to correct imperialism. In addition to this she wanted to provide a 'good' version of science that is predictable, consistent, and simple. Through her works she has tried to work out the connections between science, values, and politics.