Nahla STAAR 8

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    English law limited the power of the king and gave more power rich white men
  • Jamestown

    first English colony in America-Settled for Tabacco
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    Southern Colony Formed

    What Was The Reason For Settling?
    -to grow crops and make money
    What Was The Geography?
    -fertile soil, harsh winters
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    New England Colonies Formed

    What Was The Reason For Settling?
    -they moved to america to have freedom of religion
    What Was The Geography And Religion?
    -rocky soil, forest and long harsh winters,
    What Was The Main Religion?
    -one of the main religions is puritans and Pilgrim
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    Middle Colonsits

    -Reason For Settlement?
    religion freedom
    -Geography and Region?
    flat land,short winters and fertile soil
    -Main Religion?
    Quakers -famous oats
  • Virgina house of burgess

    first form of representative government in america
  • Mayflower compact

    the promise for the pilgrams to stay together
  • fundamental orders of Connecticut

    one of the first forms representative governments
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    -What Was This System?
    an economic system between great Britain
    -Why Would This Upset Colonists?
    Americans felt it violated their freedom to trade
  • french and Indian war

    the french and native American vs great Britain
    made great Britain in debt
    cause them to increase tax in the colonies
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    -What Did This Do ?
    a line set after the french and american vs Indian war
    -Why Would This Anger Colonists?
    they made them move
  • stamp act congress

    first meeting with multiple colonists
    their problems with the king of england
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    Stamp Act

    -What Was It ?
    first tax placed on the american colonists
    -Why Did Great Britain Need To Implement This?
    because Britain had to pay back their debt from the french and Indian war
  • boston massacure

    the american protest over taxation
    Crispus Attucks
    5 colonists dead
  • Boston tea party

    protest the tea act
    the taxation on tea
    the colonists that were fighting no to have tax on tea
    Samuel Adams
  • coercive (intolerable) act

    set to punish the colonists for their protest
    allow British solder to go into homes
  • first Continental congress

    to discuss their problems with great Britain
    they did not want independence just ways to come back
  • battle of lexigton

    first battle of the revolution "shot heard around the world"
  • common sense

    the spread the word for independence for the colonists
    Tomas Paine
  • second Continental congress

    George Washington, Ben Franklin, john Adams, and Tomas Jefferson
    the declaration of independence
  • battle of saratoga

    ending the British France helped a lot
  • winter of valley forge

    George Washington
    due to freezing conditions and lack of supplies (food and proper clothing)
  • battle of Yorktown

    Frenchman (marquis DE Lafayette)
    ended up the British surrendering
  • treaty of paris

    ended the revolutionary war and the American colonies freed
  • constitutional convention

    Alexander Hamilton,James Madison,John Adams, Ben Franklin, George Washington, and Tomas Jefferson
    Tomas Jefferson
  • the great compromise

    to have 1 house legislature and each state to have a equal representation
    the have a bicameral legislature= 2 house of legislature government and represent the sate by its population
    the great compromise included a lot of things that had to do with the government(legislature) slaves
  • 3/5 compromise

    it was compromise that for every 5 slave only 3 will count so that meant that every slave counts as 3/4 of a person
  • federalist papers

    Alexander Hamilton,James Madison, all were Federalist (that supported more government)
  • anti-federalists papers

    Tomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry
    they were against government and the rulings and controlled
    because they felt that government was too controlling and they just wanted to be freed
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    George Washington presidency

    set up the presidence cabinet or advisers
  • whiskey rebellion

    a protest to the first tax that was placed after the constitution was written
    president George Washington and his army shut it down
  • pinkneys treaty

    a treaty signed with Spain to allow the u.s to trade in new Orleans
    to trade through the Mississippi river
  • Washington's farewell address

    staying NEUTRAL in foreign affairs
    and no political parties
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    John Adams presidency 2 end president

    first president to claim a POLITICAL PARTY
    he was a leader of the Federalist party (strong central government)
    he passed the aliens and sedition act -allowed the central or federal government to arrest anybody from foreign countries
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    Thomas Jefferson presidency

    leader of the Democratic -republican party (state right)
    wrote the deceleration of independence 1776
    the first pirates he fought were the Barbary pirates first time our navy was used
  • Louisiana purchase

    Tomas Jefferson bought it the year of 1803
    double size of the UNITED STATES

    first supreme court the SET UP JUDICIAL REVIEW