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    batering means was hard to barter. example corn for a pear of shoes or 2 small marblles for 1 big marblle.WARNING the items shold be the same value.
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    money was not always around,if you wanted to by somthing what would you do? you would traind but after that in china they used coweri shells, then money came in but now you can pay online or with credit cards.
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    coweri shells

    coweri shells
    After batering in China they used coweri shells but no body in the west new about this because there were no socel devices.WARNING! you could not use any shells
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    Coins in the beginning

    Coins in the beginning
    we first started to use money in 2180 b.c. money has changed over the past centerys .first there were gold coins then maetal coins next paper bills finally credit cards and online peyment programs.
  • credit cards

    credit cards
    credit cards were inveted in 1950. they are like walets, they contain money but to use the money you need to put the card in the mechine. to get money on your credit card you need to pay example i want to put 20000 dollers on my credit card go to the bank and ask the cashire to put how much you want on your credit card. WARNING! you have to pay the amount you want on your credit card.
  • online money programs

    online money programs
    in around the 2000 a.d they created online money get money on to your online money acount you need to go to the bank and tel them to put a certain amount of money onto your bank acount. WARNING. it' not free!