Big Bang Theory

By Jersey
  • Vesto Slipher

    Vesto Slipher
    Was 1st to observe that nebulas were moving away from earth.
  • Alexander Friedman

    Alexander Friedman
    Russian scientist to 1st suggest the expansion of the universe.
  • Georges Lemaitre

    Georges Lemaitre
    Mathematician who developed the Big Bang Theory.
  • Edwin Hubble

    Edwin Hubble
    Proposed the law of red shifts, which states that galaxies moving away from earth stretch out light, causing the wavelength to be longer (red).
  • Fritz Zwicky

    Fritz Zwicky
    Astronomer who first hypothosized about dark matter. While calculating the mass of galaxies, he disovered that the mass ws much higher than was expected by their brightness.
  • Holmdel Horn

    Holmdel Horn
    this antenna was built to support Nasa's project Echo, which was a ballon set into space as a reflector of microwave signals.
  • Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson

    Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson
    Astronomers who discovered cosmic microwave backgroud radiation. this provided evidence that the Big Bang caused extreme heat that is still measurable today.
  • Hubble Telescope is launched

    Hubble Telescope is launched
    Allowed to see deeper into space than any telescope before it.
  • COBE

    NASA launched this telescope to search for radiation in the universe. Successfully mapped really old cold and hot spots. these re related to the gravitational fields from the early universe.
  • Dark Energy

    Dark Energy
    Scientists discovered that instead of pulling together, dark energy pushes the apart and accelerates separation.
  • WMAP

    Wilkinsin Microwave Anisotropy Probe was launched to study the early universe by measuring cosmic microwave background radiation, and produced the first full-sky microwave map.