mythology the creation of man

  • first was chaos

    chaos is the unbroken darkness that filled the world with confusion.which night was born from. this chaos was full of darknes and of a silent depth.
  • from chaos came night and erebus

    this is where death dwells but from this darkness came love.
  • love

    from the love came the beauty and order then their was no more confusion. from love their was finally day and light to what was darkness and night. also with day came the earth.
  • first creatures of mother earth and father heaven

    three of them were huge and strong with hundreds of hands and fifty heads the other three were given the name cyclops. last were the titans. that is just what the greeks said. heavan was made out to be a poor father that hated his children with a hundred hands and fifty heads that after birth he imprisoned them. but the clclops and titians he had left to fend for them selfs. but earth was angery at the treatment of her kids.
  • first creatures contined

    for her kids the titan cronus was brave enough to wound his father. from his blood the race of giants spang from the same blood furies came.
  • furies

    were set on this earth as all the other monsters were gone from this earth fries stayed for the could not be banished as long as their was sin in the world.
  • cronus, rhea zeus

    zeus is the her sixth child which is wisked of to crete to keep him safe then when he is grown he helps his grandmother the earth to digorge it along with the earlier children and it was set up on delphi where eons later guide travelers.
  • the earth

    was divided in to two equal parts by the sea. the greeks called the black sea the axine which means unfriendly sea as people became more familiar with it.
  • the terrible war

    helped by his brother the titans againest zeus with five brothers and sisters a war that almost wrecked the universe
    the titans were conquered because zeus got the help of the hundred handed fifty head beings that had weapons and also the sons of the titasn iapetus whose name was prometheus and was very wise. and who took sides with zeus punished his enemies terribly. by chaining them below the earth in chains.
  • atlas

    suffered a still worse fate to bear on his back forever the cruel strength of the crushing world and the sky.
  • off spring of earth

    this was her last child his name was typhon. by now zeus got his thunder and lightning down and he struck typhon down.
  • the cimerians lived there

    but they did not know wher east north south west they did not know.
  • one country

    were their were exceedinly fortunate. in the far north it was a blissful land where hyperboreans lived only few strangers,great heros had ever visted this race their was no sickness or old age. to the south ethiopians had the gods favor. on the oceans bank of the blessed dead.ocean west wind sang. this was the place of the died
  • mankind 2

    women came later because zeus was angery at prometheus for caring for men to much. zeus then made women as a curse to men. the first women was pandora wich means gift to all. from her the race of women came.
  • mankind

    now mankind makes its apearance. some say prometheus delagated it by the gods. so the job was given to epimetheus but he was very scatterbrained. before createing man he gave all the best gifts to the animals. so prometheus was given the task of createing man he gave them the gift of walking up right and of fire. in another story the gods them selfs made man. the first was the golden race they had no sorrow or pain. in the golden age their was only man.
  • pandora

    she was said to guard the box zeus gave her and never to open it but she did and let out great evil in to the world but one thing was left. that was hope. and because of her opening it zues punished prometheus and he chained him to a rock and to make him tell the secret but he would not.
  • centar chiron

    he chose to take on the punishment that prometheus sufered and zeus had it done later on he freed him.
  • the flood

    after the flood was sent two beings remained decalion and pyrrha
    he was prometheus' son and she the daughter of epimetheus and pandora.when they came to land they got out
  • stone race

    the then createsd the stone race these beings were made to help after the flood to rescue the earth from the desolation of the flood