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By mkraken
  • Mya's Birth

    Mya's Birth
    Mya was born after 10 hours of labor during a natural child birth. We focused on relaxation and breathing during labor. Attending Lamaze birth classes earlier in the pregnancy seemed to help a great amount. Being able to focus on relaxing with the help of my partner made the stress and pain of giving birth managable (page 90).
  • Separation Anxiety

    Separation Anxiety
    Mya has shown a strong connection with her maternal caregiver and a close second with her paternal figure. She when seperated shows common signs of stress and anxiety. Seperation anxiety is common in infants aged 7 months and commonly decreases around 14 months (p 172).
  • Mya Adds Food Into Her Diet

    Mya Adds Food Into Her Diet
    At Mya's 9-month check up the doctor decides that Mya is ready for new food. We begin to include her in our family dinners by grinding up a small portion and seeing how she likes it! It's a fun way to get to know what she likes. It's also benefical to see how her sucking reflex (heavily used by babies eating at this age) grows and reshapes (pg 123).
  • Stranger Anxiety

    Stranger Anxiety
    Mya has demonstrated a normal to low reaction for stranger anxiety. At her doctors exam at 9 months Mya had positive interactions with the new people surrounding her and at 12 months when she would meet a new person she would often indicate her desire to investigate and interact with this new person. Stranger anxiety is common in infants older than 6 months. Infants, and in the case of Mya, that have previously had a lot of positive interactions with strangers show less stranger anxiety. (p 172)
  • Object Permanence

    Object Permanence
    We chose to conduct an expirement with Mya in two stages to see her growth in object permanence. Mya showed at 12 months to understand when an object is covered and even when it moves to a new place. Infants according to Renee Baillargeon (p 148) have the ability to begin understanding object permanence at roughly 3 1/2 months.
  • Early School Adventures

    Early School Adventures
    We decide to enroll Mya in preschool at 4 years old and 10 months. During a meeting with Mya's teacher we learned more about how she was doing in the class room. We were surprise when we learned that Mya had tested above average on a vocabulary test, we are very happy that all the reading and discussions we encourage with her at home are having a positive effect in her education and development. (pg 234)
  • Mya and the Skateboard

    Mya and the Skateboard
    While skateboarding Mya had an accident and had to be taken to the emergency room. After testing was done neurologists tell us that she had experienced a closed head injury and was expected to have learning difficulties for an unknown time period. We decided to keep Mya in her usual classroom but added an after school tutor to help Mya with anything she was unclear on after class. It is recommended to be the most fluid approach to learning disabilities in school settings. (pg 290)
  • Mya Heals

    Mya Heals
    Mya has fully recovered from her brian injury 2 years ago. On occasion she does still have a slight slur in her speech her speech therapist has hope that it will go away over time.
  • Start of High School

    Start of High School
    Mya is doing well in highschool. Earning all A's in her core classes during her 9th grade year. Although she was nervous about the transition she seems to be doing well making friends and maintaining her grades. Understanding her fear of popularity or rejection we have a group of her friends over for her birthday. I hope peer pressure does not effect Mya too greatly. (pg 422)
  • Mya Turns 18

    Mya Turns 18
    As Mya begins her life outside of the house I am happy to say that we have accieved a great relationship and that she seeks my advice. I think she will do well in adulthood. (pg 416)