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My years on ASP

By Th1844
  • My first year of school in ASP

    I was very little I was 3 years old when that happened, I don't remember a lot of that year but they have told me that I was a kid that didn't liked to someone to make my hair and we always sang and made a lot of festivals.
  • My second year on ASP

    This year we sang a lot and sleeped, when we had to go we needed to sing a song for us to say good bye to our friends. After that year we had to go to Veracruz to go with my dad.
  • My second of primary on ASP

    My second of primary on ASP
    It was the first year since I camed back from Veracruz I liked a lot that year because there teachers were nice and I made some friends, we always played games and did a lot of activities on class, all of that year was fun.
  • My third year on ASP

    It was a different grade tahn second grade because there were a lot of new people entering the school and we had a teacher that maked us do a lot of activities and that they were fun, there was a teacher of spanish that I didn't liked a lot because she always was angry. We had to clases there were 4 hours of spanish and the otehr 4 of english, we had to change classes.
  • My 4° of primary on ASP

    I had a great year because it was the middle of my primary and I had met a new friend from korea, It was a bvery good year I had a lot of fun and classes were very good, I wanted to have classes ups stairs and for that I only needed 1 year.
  • My 5° grade of primary

    My 5° grade of primary
    It was a year that l liked a lot because we had classes in the second floor and I liked that, we had very fun activities andnot a lot of festivals like when we were little but I didn't care, that year was very fun because I was with a teacher that was a very good one and I liked her classes.
  • My 6° grade on primary

    My 6° grade on primary
    It was a very sad year but a very fun one beacuse we had the day on secondary and we had a lot of activities because it was our last year on primary and a lot of persons wouldn't be on secondary. We had aour graduation and our party.
  • 1st of secondary

    1st of secondary
    It was my first grade of secondary that was very fun becaus ewe were only 4 girls and 10 boys, so that was my favority grade, all included all and we didn't do a lot of things. We were the little one of secondary. I went to my first ASPAS and had a lot of fun.
  • 2nd of secondary

    2nd of secondary
    In that grade I was a little bit sad because the next year was our last year on ASP. I liked a lot my group, it was very fun, we did a lot of things. We went on a trip that got lost and changed groups in Mexico, but that was very fun.
  • My last year on ASP

    My last year on ASP
    I am still in my last year of ASP and I am very sad because I am going to another school with very diferent people, and teachers, so for that 9 years of being in this school that is very sad. We all are going to go to separate ways. I am enjoying all my last days in this school with my friends.