
my timeline of 1755 to 1776

  • french and indian war

    french and indian war
    the french and the indians fought over land in the north the frnch won the land
  • proclaimation of 1763

    proclaimation of 1763
    disallowed to cross west of the appilachtions
    it was to protect the colonits and it made them very mad and frusterated
  • suger act

    suger act
    taxes on suger and molasses
    the idea of taxes is a growing issue but the suger act didnt affect to many people
  • treaty of paris

    treaty of paris
    had a war to claim all land east of the mississppi river and it made the colonist med cause theywere not allowed to go there
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    they put taxes on newspapers, wills, legal document ,any peace of paper use dwas taxed
    it formed a boycott but i was eventually repealed
  • writs of assitance

    writs of assitance
    officers could reach ships at will
    all merchants felt that this was invasion of privacyonly a few colonist were affected
  • townshed acts

    townshed acts
    taxes on lots of different household items
    a boycott was starte dbut eventually repealed
  • the boston massacure

    the boston massacure
    5 deaths and 6 injured
    a mob came to the boston customs hous etension rose and shots were fired
    the event was called a massacure and two men were guilty of manslaghter and 6 not guiltty
  • quartering acts

    quartering acts
    colonists were required to provide food and household items for the british soldiers
    they hated it but nothing could be done
  • tea act

    tea act
    merchants wer ecut out of the trad ebecause a company controlled tea prices and tea sales in the colonies
    the boston tea party was the result
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    the sons of liberty through 90,000 pounds of tea into boston harbor (hows that a tea party)
    lead to the intollerable acts
  • intolerable acts

    intolerable acts
    no more town meetrings for the port of boston closed
    colonists began to come together and the first contenetal congress meets
  • give me liberty speech

    give me liberty speech
    maintains intorlerable acts
    increaced restrictions
    patrick henry expexted war
  • battle of lexington

    battle of lexington
    700 british troops meet 70 minute men and fought then were drove away by 7000 munitemen and soldiers
    a poem was written (lol)
  • 2nd continental congress

    2nd continental congress
    they met in philadephia to create an olive branch petion to declare loyaltiyand to ask him to repeal the intolerable acts
    the king said no so they established th continental army lead by george washington
  • capture of fort ticoderga

    capture of fort ticoderga
    people came during the night and took over
  • battle of bunkerhill

    battle of bunkerhill
    "dont fire till you see the whites of there eyes "
    the colonists were low on amo so this is what they were instructed to do
    but sadly they lost
  • common sense

    common sense
    it became o roar
    increased public support for ammerican independence
    (this is my bday the 10th of jan )
  • declaration of independence

    declaration of independence
    thomas jefferson wrote the ruft draft for thr declration of independence it was based on the philosphy of john locke
    freedom sweet freedom ( yay)
  • battle of new york

    battle of new york
    the britsh wanted new york city so they attacked washingtons army on long island and comflicted heavy casualites but george got away and went to pennsylvania so for the rest of the war the british have new york
  • battle of trenton

    battle of trenton
    continental army lanches a surprise attack and caputrue over 800 hessian men without losing one man
  • battle of princeton

    battle of princeton
    washington captures 300 british soldiers at princeton new jersy in january
  • battle of saratoga

    battle of saratoga
    american general gates surrounds the remaining forces at saratoga and general burgoyne surrenders his army to the americans and this was a turning point because the treaty of alliance was made between france and spain and benjerman franklin helped with it
  • winter at valley forge

    winter at valley forge
    washingtons men spent a long winter at valley forge penn the troops were in desparaite need of clothes warmth and food
  • treaty of paris

    treaty of paris
    a treaty that said
    the british had to reconise as an independent nation
    had to give us the land east of the mississippi
    and in return we had decided to give all the land that had been taken back to the loyalists