My timeline

  • Life event- Birth November 30th 2007

    Life event- Birth November 30th 2007
    Social institution- Born at Joseph Brant Hospital, Burlington.
    Role- Daughter
    Cohort would be Generation Z
  • Event- Starting school 2010

    Event- Starting school 2010
    Social institution- Public Elementary School
    Role- Student, Friends
    Transitioning Into a school environment taught me how to get along with others, learning how to become social and more independent.
  • Life Event- Little brother was born 2014

    Life Event- Little brother was born 2014
    Social institution- Macmaster Children Hospital is where my little brother was born.
    Role- Older sister, becoming a role model and someone for my brother to look up to and talk to, someone who makes him comfortable and helps him.
    This transition made me much more responsible, mature, protective and want to make myself a good person for him to look up to and learn from.
  • Life Event- Frist vacation 2019

    Life Event- Frist vacation 2019
    Social institutions- Orlando Florida, Universal studios and Disney.
    Status- 11 year old girl on first vacation with family.
    Transition- this was my first vacation, I had the best time and the transition of this experience had me feeling very appreciative, my family had a nice time and it gave us time to connect as a family with new experiences.
  • Life event- Starting Highschool 2020

    Life event- Starting Highschool 2020
    Social institution- High school
    Role- More independent Student
    Role conflict- Meeting new people and adjusting to such a different environment.
    This transition made me Gain lots of social experiences as well as meeting lots of different people and experiencing new things.
  • Life event- close friend passed away 2021

    Life event- close friend passed away 2021
    Role- Friend
    Role conflict- My close friend was struggling and took her life, losing her was a huge change for me and my older brother since she was close with us both.
    This transition had me feeling a way I've never have, causing some trauma and had an affect on both our mental health, I've grown from this experience teaching me to treat everyday like the last and appreciate little things in life
  • Life Event- Plan for the future

    • Graduate high school
    • Pursue my dreams of becoming a baker, completing a program to gain a licenses and create a successful bakery.
    • Buy my first house and dream car
    • Get married and build a family
    • Travel around the world