I was born in Waco, Texas -
First Birthday
This was very special because it was the year i turned 1. -
2nd birthday
I was a very special time because i was finnaly two. -
3rd Birthday
This was special because i became my favorite number. -
4th Birthday
This was the sad year i turned 4 -
5th birthday
It was when i turned 5 and the year my little sister was born. -
6th Birthday
I was a cool day because i had a great birthday party. -
7th Birthday
This was a cool year because i met alot of new friends. -
8th birthday
This was the year i turned 8 and got a new house that year. -
9th birthday
This is the year i turned 9 and got a new bike. -
11th Birthday
This was the year i turned 10 and we won state. -
First state title
This is the year Navasota won it's first state title. -
11th Birthday
This is the year i turned 11 and went to Jr. High. -
12th Birthday
This was the year i turned 12 and was going to the seventh grade. -
1st football game
This was the year i played my 1st football game and we beat AMCMS -
State Champs
This was the second year we won state. -
13th Birthday
This is when i turned 13 and was finally a teen. -
First day of 8th grade
This was the day i started my last year in Jr. High. -
Braces day
This is the day i got my braces and started a world of pain. -
14th Birthday
The day i turned 14 and have a great year in school.