My timeline

  • I was born

    I was born
  • I was baptized

    I was baptized
  • My first birthday

    My first birthday
  • My first parade

    My first parade
  • My 2nd birthday

    My 2nd birthday
  • My first time camping

    My first time camping
  • My 3rd birthday

    My 3rd birthday
  • My little sister was born

    My little sister was born
  • My 4th birthday

    My 4th birthday
  • I almost died

    I almost died
  • My 5th birthday

    My 5th birthday
  • I started playing t-ball

    I started playing t-ball
  • My 6th birthday

    My 6th birthday
  • Trip to omaha children's museum

    Trip to omaha children's museum
  • My first slumber party

    My first slumber party
  • My 7th birthday

    My 7th birthday
  • I was the hancock county fair princess

    I was the hancock county fair princess
  • We started our major house addition

    We started our major house addition
  • My 8th birthday

    My 8th birthday
  • Trip to south dakota

    Trip to south dakota
  • I got my first betta fish

    I got my first betta fish
  • My 9th birthday

    My 9th birthday
  • I got my first hamster

    I got my first hamster
  • Trip to florida

    Trip to florida
  • My 10th birthday

    My 10th birthday
  • I learned how to embroider

    I learned how to embroider
  • My first communion

    My first communion
  • My 11th birthday

    My 11th birthday
  • I got my second hamster

    I got my second hamster
  • I saw Tim Mcgraw in concert

     I saw Tim Mcgraw in concert
  • I learned how to play the piano

    I learned how to play the piano
  • I saw the hot air balloon races

    I saw the hot air balloon races
  • My 12th birthday

    My 12th birthday
  • My first time flying in a plane

    My first time flying in a plane
  • First time hog owner

    First time hog owner
  • First time cattle owner

    First time cattle owner
  • I got my braces on

    I got my braces on