The Blitz

  • Start Of The Blitz

    When The Blitz started, over 350 bombers flew across the Channel from airfields in France and dropped 300 tons of bombs on the docks and streets of the East End of London.
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    During The Blitz

    During the first month, German Air Force dropped 5,300 tons of high explosives on London in just 24 nights. Most air raids happened at night. People were warned of a likely air raid by loud sirens, positioned in different parts of towns and cities. During the blitz, they became an almost daily part of life. The sirens made a very loud and long signal or warning sound. For an alert, the siren sound pitch rose and fell alternately.
  • End Of The Blitz

    The Blitz ended in mid-May 1941, when much of the German air force was sent east to prepare for the invasion of Russia.