Smiley face

my timeline

  • birthday

    I was born to my mom and dad Tracy and Mike and I was also born in Chicago,Illinois.
  • 8th grade start

    8th grade start
    If i were to be in an advanced class i would want to be in advanced info tech I like to work on computers and create new activities.
  • 8th garde graduation

    8th garde graduation
    Three goals that i would like to achieve by graduation and to be an honor roll student also to be the most popular kid in school.
  • high school start

    high school start
    The highschool I wan to attend is Simeon Career academy.
  • highschool clases

    highschool clases
    classes I would like to take is info tech because I really enjoy using computers.
  • goals for highschool

    goals for highschool
    A goal I want to accomplish is to be an honored student and to be the most known kid in school.
  • sports

    two sports i would like to join is football and basketball.
  • clubs in highschool

    clubs in highschool
    one club i would like to joinis the science club because im starting to enjoy science alot and its fun and sometimes challenging
  • highschool GPA

    highschool GPA
    my GPA in highscool would be an between a 3.0 and a 4.0
  • highschool graduation

    highschool graduation
    After highschool i would hope to get an scholorship in basketball to a great college.
  • college

    i want to go to a college in illinois but i dont know which one because there are so amy tha you go to and dont want to leave the state for college.
  • life after edjucation

    life after edjucation
    after college i would like to play basketball but if that doesnt work out i would like to be scientist incase of any injuries or if i dont make it to theNBA
  • My Death

    My Death
    For my bucket list i want to have a big family and go on trip with them 10 days before I die.