
  • Atari 2600

    Atari 2600
    The Atari 2600 came out in 1982 and was a major contributor in popularizing microprocessor based video game consoles
  • Period: to

    Technology and my life

  • Home Computer

    Home Computer
    The common place home computer was in my opinion one of the largest technological leaps our society has take in a very long time. The first home computers released in 1981 by IBM
  • CD Walkman

    CD Walkman
    Sony released the first CD walkman in 1984 and continued to release them until they where discontinued in the late 2000s
  • Cellular Phone

    Cellular Phone
    If common place home computers where the largest technological leap in the past 50 or so years the common place mobile phone is probably the second and arguably has become more impactful than the home computer to society. The first commercial cell phones came out in 1979 from Nippon
  • Technological independance

    Technological independance
    my first MP3 player