2166 BCE
God's promise to Abraham
God promises Abraham that He will make him the father of a great nation, bless him.
This covenant marks the beginning of Israel as God’s chosen people.
Significance: It establishes the foundation for God’s relationship with Israel and His unfolding plan of redemption. -
1728 BCE
Joseph sold in to slavery
Joseph is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and taken to Egypt.
Despite this betrayal, God uses Joseph’s trials to place him in a position to save his family and Egypt from famine.
Significance: This event demonstrates God’s sovereignty and sets the stage for Israel moving to Egypt, fulfilling part of God’s plan. -
1446 BCE
The Ten plagues
God sends ten plagues upon Egypt to demonstrate His power and compel Pharaoh to release the Israelites.
Each plague targets Egyptian gods, proving the Lord’s supremacy.
Significance: The plagues reveal God’s power and His determination to free His people. -
1446 BCE
The Passover
God instructs the Israelites to mark their doorposts with lamb’s blood so the angel of death will pass over their homes during the final plague.
This act spares the firstborn of Israel and leads to their release from Egypt.
Significance: The Passover foreshadows Jesus as the ultimate sacrificial lamb. -
1446 BCE
God parts the red sea
The Egyptians pursue the fleeing Israelites, God parts the Red Sea, allowing His people to cross on dry land.
When the Egyptians follow, the waters return and drown their army.
Significance: This event demonstrates God’s power and His faithfulness to deliver His people. -
1445 BCE
Due to their disobedience and lack of faith, the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years.
Significance: Prepares Israel for life in the Promised Land. -
1445 BCE
The Ten commandments
Mount Sinai, God gives Moses the Ten Commandments as a covenant.
These laws establish moral and religious foundations for the nation.
Significance: The Ten Commandments shape the ethical influence Christian values. -
1406 BCE
Joshua’s leadership, the Israelites begin conquering and settling the Promised Land, starting with Jericho.
They divide the land among the twelve tribes.
Significance: This fulfills God’s promise to Abraham about giving his descendants the land of Canaan. -
1100 BCE
God calls Gideon to deliver Israel from Midianite oppression. Gideon destroys idols and restores worship of the Lord. -
1085 BCE
Samson, blessed with supernatural strength, defeats the Philistines but struggles with personal weaknesses. He bringing down a Philistine temple demonstrates God’s strength working through him.
Significance: Samson’s story highlights God’s faithfulness despite human sin.