My time line

  • The gun powder plot

    The gun powder plot
    In 1605 guy fawkes and a bunch of other people were going to blow up the House of Parliament with king James. They put barrels of gunpowder in the basement. On November 5th it was time. Guy was waiting down there to light it when he got caught. The king knew that they were going to because someone who was working with guy to blow up the house had a friend that was parliament. He gave hints. His friend told the king of his theory and guy fawkes was caught and hung
  • Robert catesby: The Gunpowder Plot

    Robert catesby: The Gunpowder Plot
    Robert Catesby was the the leader of the gun powder plot in 1605. They had Guy Fawkes confess who was apart of the gunpowder plot. Robert Catesby died on November 8th, 1605. He was supposed to be hung but he got shot and was found in a house holding on to a picture of the Virgin Mary
  • Death of guy fawkes

    Death of guy fawkes
    Guy fawkes was hung because on November 5th 1605 he and other people attempted to blow up the House of Parliament with the king in it. Guy and the others put gunpowder in the basement of the Parliament House. Guy got caught and was tortured Untell he confessed who else was there with him. Then he was hung and died
  • Oliver Cromwell: English Civil War

    Oliver Cromwell: English Civil War
    Oliver Cromwell was the person who led the commonwealth and he became a military dictator. But Parliament found having him as a "king" wasn't the best decision. Oliver forced everyone to be christian and they had strict riles on England. There was no Theaters, Sporting events, merry making and amusement was illegal. They were not allowed to work on sabbath. Parliament wanted to go back to having a king and Oliver died on September 3, 1660
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    The Enlightenment was also known as "The Age Of Reason" During this time in the 18th century, they had certain thinkers and writers that primarily were in London and Paris. These thinkers believed that human reason could be used to combat Ignorance, super still, and Tyranny. These thinkers believed that at birth people have the right to life, liberty and property. Across the atlantic many intellectual leaders of the american colonies were drawn to the enlightenment.
  • Napoleon

    Napoleon was born on the island of Corsica in 1769. His parents were nobles. In 1784 Napoleon got a scholar ship to an elite military training college in 1793, and he joined the military. He led the attack on a royalist fort and he battled Australia and Italy. He reorganized the French army and inspired soldiers. On December 2, 1804 he crowned himself emperor when the pope was supposed to. But Napoleon wanted to show he had more power
  • French revolution: Reign of Terror

    French revolution:  Reign of Terror
    The Reign Of Terror was the period after King Louis and Marie Antoinette ruled. That's when the guillotine became a popular thing and people were being executed if the people suspected that they were not loyal to the french revolution. There were more than 17,000 people executed during this time period. Maximilian Rossbeiere was the leader of the reign of terror and when he was executed all the deaths stopped
  • French Revolution: Hundred Days

    French Revolution: Hundred Days
    During the French Revolution, there is a time period called "The Hundred Days" Hundred Days is from when Napoleon was exiled to Elba the first time and then when he was exiled the second time to Saint Helena. When he escaped from Elba he started to plan for another war. At the end of the 100 days, the French and the coalition led by the Duke of wellington was fought and this war would be known as "The Battle Of Waterloo" Napoleon lost again and was exiled to Saint Helena and died there.
  • Victorian England: Queen Victoria

    Victorian England:  Queen Victoria
    Alexandria Victoria was the only child of Prince Edward, Duke Of Kent. She was crowned at 18 years old on June 18, 1838. Victoria married her cousin Albert at age 42. She became the Empress of India to tie the monarch closer together. She helped with education advancements and when her husband died all she did was morn.
  • Imperialism: Opium War

    Imperialism: Opium War
    The opium was was between China and Britain. Britain and China agreed to make a trade with tea and opium. Opium is a type of drug that is in poppy seeds. Opium is used to produce heroine. After the trade China started to see that opium was becoming a problem and an addiction. China did not want to trade no more because of how corrupt the people were. Britain was still finding a way to sneak opium Into China using the Chinese people. China and Britain we y to war but Britain won
  • Victorian England: sir robert peel resigns

    Victorian England:  sir robert peel resigns
    Sir Robert Peel was known as the father of modern British policy. He was one of the founders of the modern conservation party. his father was a wealthy textile manufacture and politician. he developed the ethical police force
  • Imperialism: Suez Canal

    Imperialism: Suez Canal
    This is an artificial sea level waterway that was hand dug with baskets by the Egyptian peasants. This connected the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. This divided Asia and Africa. This was a way that they could use boats to trade to other areas.
  • Turn Of The Century Timeline: Telephone

    Turn Of The Century Timeline: Telephone
    In 1876 an inventor named Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. The telephone was designed for long-distance communication and is very popular now. The telephone transmits sound by using electricity.
  • Turn Of The Century Timeline: The Lightbulb

    Turn Of The Century Timeline: The Lightbulb
    In 1879, Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb. Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847. Edison's first invention was the phonograph in 1877 but in 1879 he invented the lightbulb. In his laboratory in Menlo Park, new jersey, he built his first high resistant incandescent electric light. was put through a thin platinum filament in a glass vacuum bottle. It only burned for a couple of hours.
  • Imperialism: Berlin Conference

    Imperialism: Berlin Conference
    The Berlin conference also known as the Congo conference regulated the colonization and trade in Africa. This also coincided with Germany’s sudden emergence as an imperial power.
  • La Belle Epoque France: The Eiffel tower

    La Belle Epoque France: The Eiffel tower
    The Eiffel tower was built at the begging of 1887. They built the Eiffel tower as an entrance to the fair. The person who built the Eiffel Tower was Gustave Eiffel. They were going to take the Eiffel Tower down but then they found another use for it. The Eiffel tower is still up now because they are using it as an antenna.
  • WW1: Alliance of Russia and France

    WW1: Alliance of Russia and France
    When Wilhelm let Germany's treaty with Russia fall, Russia formed a defensive military alliance with France. Because of t6he alliance war with either Russia and or France would make Germany their enemy on both sides.
  • Imperialism: Boer war in South Africa

    Imperialism: Boer war in South Africa
    The boer war was fought between the British and two of the independent Boer states. In 1902 there was a peace treaty that brought the boers and the British together. There were conflicts in political ideologies of imperialism and Republicans.
  • Imperialism: Boxer Rebellion

    Imperialism: Boxer Rebellion
    The boxer rebellion occurred in China in the 1900s. This was an uprise against foreigners. This was begun by the peasants but later got supported by the government. This was a secret Chinese society that embarked on a violent campaign to drive all the foreigners from China.
  • Turn Of The Century Timeline: Airplane

    Turn Of The Century Timeline: Airplane
    in 1903 The Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville, invented the very first airplane. Wilbur was born on April 16, 1867, and Orville was born on August 19, 1871. On December 17, 1903, the wright brother flew for the first time in their own plane after many failed attempts. They called their plane "The Kitty Hawk." In 1912 Wilbur wright died in a plane crash and Orville lived on until 1948
  • WW1: Conflicts Over Morocco

    WW1:  Conflicts Over Morocco
    In 1905 and in 1911 Germany and France almost fought over who would have the control over Morocco in Northern Africa. The majority of Europe supported France so Germany backed down. The country extended its power an influence through diplomacy or military force.
  • WW1: Assignation of Arch-Duke Franz

    WW1:  Assignation of Arch-Duke Franz
    Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Serbian nationalist named Gavrilo Princep. This is what started the power keg in Europe in 1914. He was appointed the inspector of the general of the Austrio-Hungarian forces.
  • WW1: Rise Of Militarism

    WW1:  Rise Of Militarism
    Militarism is a policy of glorifying military power and keeping a standing army always prepared for war. Militarism rising helped set a stage for the wars that would occur between the countries. Each country made their own military to prepare for any battle that needed to be fought.
  • WW1: Sinking Of The Lusitania

    WW1:  Sinking Of The Lusitania
    The Lusitania was a passenger ship that carried people across sea. The Lusitania was owned by the British in 1915. They had passengers on it when a German U-Boat sunk the Lusitania in belief that they had ammunition's on that boat. there were 1,959 people on that boat including the crew. They drowned 1,198 and 128 Americans were on that boat.
  • WW1: Battle Of Verdun

    WW1: Battle Of Verdun
    This battle was fought between the Germans and the French. Part of this battle was fought during the winter on the western front of France. This is the longest battle of the entire war. By the end of the war the French had won no Germany had to go home with no victory
  • WW1: America Declares War

    WW1:  America Declares War
    This war was declared against the Germans. This battle began because the Germans used a U-boat to sink a ship named the louistian that the French owned. there were over 1,959 people on that ship and about 1,198 people were drowned include 128 Americans. America was very mad about his and declared war on the Germans,
  • Imperialism: treaty of Versailles

    Imperialism:  treaty of Versailles
    The Versailles treaty was the treaty between Germany and the allies. The treaty was to force German colonies in Asia, Africa, and the pacific to reduce the size of their military and pay the war respiration to the allies of the war. This treaty also helped to bring world war 1 to an end,
  • La Belle Epoque France: J'Accuse

    La Belle Epoque France: J'Accuse
    J'Accuse was a letter written by Emile Zola for the Alfred Dreyfus case. He put it in the newspaper and it sold more than 200,000 copies. This letter was to help change the minds of all the military soldiers and the people that it wasn't him. Zola accused the army of covering up its mistaken conviction of Dreyfus.