My Time Line

  • I was born in

    I was born in
    Mexico In 2012 and I have two sisters
  • My Name is

    My Name is
    Jose Luis Tolama Diaz and I am twele years old
  • I live in

    I live in
    Puebla with my parents and sisters
  • I like and I don´t like

    I like and I don´t like
    I like soccer and I don´t like onion
  • I started the kidergarden

    I started the kidergarden
    I started kindergarten Benito Juarez campos Amozoc
  • When have you started the elementary school

    When have you started the elementary school
    I started elementary school in 2018
  • Wich was your first word

    Wich was your first word
    My firsts word was mom and dad
  • Mention the year that you will start the hig school

    Mention the year that you will start the hig school
    I will start high school in 2027
  • What career are you gonna study in the university

    What career are you gonna study in the university
    I´m going to study law
  • According your career where will you work

    According your career where will you work
    I will work in judiciary
  • Will you marry

    Will you marry
    Yes, I will get marry
  • How many children will you have

    How many children will you have
    I will have 2 children
  • In your 70s where will you live

    In your 70s where will you live
    I will live in my house with my family in Spain