My Thematic Timeline Assignment

  • The Wheat Shortage of 1914

    The Wheat Shortage of 1914
    In 1914 just before WW1 started there was a drought that affected the production of wheat in Canada. This drought affected wheat farms' income because the amount of wheat being grown was very minimal that that meant that they were losing lots of money. This also affected the amount of wheat sent across seas to Canadian troops.
  • The 50,000 railway workers who lost their jobs in 1915

    The 50,000 railway workers who lost their jobs in 1915
    In the end of 1914 to early 1915 approximately 50,000 railway workers lost their jobs. Canada at the time reached an all time railway debt and was unable to pay these workers anymore. In 1915 Canada’s total debt was $2.4 billion and continued to rise.
  • The founding of IMB(Imperial Munitions Board) in 1916

    The founding of IMB(Imperial Munitions Board) in 1916
    The founding of IMB(Imperial Munitions Board) was because after the shell crisis of 1915 the British and Canadian government created a board where they can manufacture ammunition and artilleries. Since the men were fighting in the trenches the women of Canada worked in these factories to produce ammunition.
  • The start of the Business Profit War Act in 1917

    The start of the Business Profit War Act in 1917
    The Business Profit War Act was implemented so that any Canadian company that made more than $50,000 or more in financial capital had to file a tax return form yearly. Due to the war, Canada was in major debt and created victory war bonds which any money invested would go to the war fund and at the end of the war your money would be returned with interest.
  • The End of WWI and the debt it brought in 1918

    The End of WWI and the debt it brought in 1918
    At the end of the war, Canada had to pay a total of $164 million per year to pay off their debt. At this time Canada’s total debt reached $1,665,576,000 because of the war and the cost to fight in the war. The men who fought tried to get jobs after the war but there weren't enough jobs so most were left unemployed.
  • The General Strike of 1919

    The General Strike of 1919
    The General Strike took place in Winnipeg, Manitoba and lasted 6 weeks, May to June. In these six weeks workers from coast to coast in Canada began to strike too. With much at stake in this strike, the workers took to the streets and protested for better working conditions.
  • The Imperial Conferences Photo

    The Imperial Conferences Photo
  • Period: to

    The Canadian Imperial Conferences of 1923 and 1926

    The Imperial Conference of 1923 marked the first time Canada signed its first independent treaty. Prime Minister Mackenzie King signed the Halibut Treaty which was a fishing agreement between Canada and the United States. Canada for the first time negotiated and signed a treaty without any help or review from England.
  • The Old Age Pension Act of 1927

    The Old Age Pension Act of 1927
    The Old Age Pension Act was implemented because as the government gained more control over the Canadian economy after the Income Tax and Business Profit War Act were put in place. The profit and funding from those acts allowed the government to open a pension plan for the elderly. This plan would supply the elderly over the age of 70 with money who had little to no income.
  • The Persons Case 1928

    The Persons Case 1928
    The Persons Case was a case that was brought up by 5 Women and they wrote to the government to allow women to vote and run in politics in Canada. In 1916 women won the right to vote but they wanted to be able to run as women in politics. By the mid-twenties women were more involved in society. These five women fought so that women would now be referred to a people and not prized possession.
  • 1929 Wall Street Stock Market Crash

    1929 Wall Street Stock Market Crash
    The Wall Street Market Crash was a major crash that caused all major stocks to collapse and lasted 4 days. It was the worst market crash in history and many big companies and industries lost a great amount of money and also caused the economy to go shits. It ruined the Wall street name and caused the Great Depression which took place after this event.