Man on Moon
I don't remember this but my parents seemed to talk about it because it was near when I was born. -
Black and White TV
It was awesome to have a small "portable" tv. When we were sick my mom would let us soak in the bathtub while watching Lawrence Welk!! -
Telephone with long cord
Came in handy when you wanted some privacy while talking to your friend on the phone at home. -
Manual typewriter
I remember typing class in 7th grade and I believe we had manual typewriters where you had to push the type cartridge back manually. -
Apple 2e with floppy disk
Electric Typewriter
Received this for high school graduation present to take to college that summer. I thought it was awesome to have in my dorm room so I didn't have to go to library to type my papers. And it had built in correction tape! -
Sony Walkman Sport
Used to run and exercise in college with this! -
Car Phone
"Important" businessmen and women had these! -
Portable TV/VCR combo
I would put this between the two front seats and plug into the cigarette lighter so our kids could watch a movie while we drove. -
1st Cell Phone
We were leaving for a weekend vacation but wanted our birth mom to be able to get in touch with us in case she went into labor. A friend that worked for AT&T gave us this cell phone so we could be in contact.