My Technological Progression

  • Portable Dvd player

    Portable Dvd player
    portable device being able to play DVD movies anytime anywhere. Today movies can be watched on a vast majority of devices we have today.
  • Xbox 360

    Xbox 360
    Xbox was made by Microsoft and has been innovated and still in use today.
  • Nintendo DS

    Nintendo DS
    Created by Nintendo, a portable gaming device still used today.
  • Apple Ipod Touch 4th Generation

    Apple Ipod Touch 4th Generation
    Portable device Created by Apple, able to play music and play many apps. May 10, 2022 Apple stopped production but innovative many ideas from this successful product.
  • LG Optimus G

    LG Optimus G
    Created by LG one of its many successful phones. To this LG phones are sold