My Tech Timeline

  • When I Was Young, 45s Were Sweet!

    When I Was Young, 45s Were Sweet!
    The idea of listening to music in my home, that had been recorded somewhere else was fascinating to me.
  • Bigger is Better . . .Right?

    Bigger is Better . . .Right?
    My mom liked to sing and was good at it. She recorded an album with a group of her friends. That album and one by Herb Albert and the Tiajuana Brass were the first records I remembered listening to.
  • Beta . . .Movies at Home

    Beta . . .Movies at Home
    It used to be that you could only watch movies at the theatre. With the invention of Betamax tapes, you could not only watch movies at home but you could record your own.
  • Walkman

    The idea of being able to take your cassette tapes with you and listen to it anywhere was exciting beyond belief! So cool!
  • Now It's a Fight

    Now It's a Fight
    Just when you thought you had the perfect way to watch movies, VHS was introduced and the fight for dominance began. My dad was an early adopter of Betamax video because it had a better picture but in the end, VHS won the battle.
  • I Could Record My Own!

    I Could Record My Own!
    Once cassettes and cassette players were introduced to me, I discovered I could make my own mix tapes. I could record music from the radio, records and other cassettes. I was able to listen to the music I wanted to hear.
  • I Got My First CD Player

    I Got My First CD  Player
    I got my first CD player and realized that CDs don't scratch as easily as records did. You could also get a lot more songs on a CD.
  • Again . . .Bigger is Better . . .Right?

    Again . . .Bigger is Better . . .Right?
    Laserdiscs became the hot new way to watch videos at my school. The picture was very clear and you could interact with what was on the screen.
  • No More Rewinds!

    No More Rewinds!
    The introduction of DVDs to the market made it so you NEVER had to rewind a movie again! The video players were smart enough to go back to the beginning or wherever you wanted them to go within the movie.
  • iPods and Other MP3 Players

    iPods and Other MP3 Players
    I wasn't one to jump right on the iPad bandwagon but I did like it once a got one.
  • Now It's Blu!

    Now It's Blu!
    The next advancement in movie watching were Blu-ray discs. The picture was clearer and retailers were able to charge more money for them.
  • iPads are It!

    iPads are It!
    My Tech Director brought an iPad to my classroom one afternoon and asked me to figure out how to best use it with students in a classroom. I had a blast exploring apps and categorizing ideas I could use. Then I had the opportunity to use them with kids and teach teachers how they could do it too.
  • What?

    What in the world is 4K UHD? It is ultra-high-definition television. This is what's next.
  • Float Away

    Float Away
    No longer do we need to have stacks of movies and music. All of that can be stored in the cloud now, freeing up space. What could possibly come next?