My Father Grew Up In Asia
He didn't realize it but it is very clear to me now that he lives a Taoist lifestyle very very much so and I think I can attribute this to an early exposure to Asian philosophies when he was very young. This lead to him raising me in a more Taoist way. -
I Was Born
Of course, it is essential to this timeline for me to be born in order to be raised by my father in a Taoist way and to discover all these things about it. -
When I Was A Kid I Liked Winnie The Pooh
Of course I didn't know anything about it that I know now but I just really liked Winnie The Pooh. I had a Pooh Bear hat and a stuffed Winnie The Pooh. -
Read The Secret
This book was one of the first philosophy books I read and it sparked my interest in philosophy. It was my favorite until I learned about Taoism but I think it plays into Taoism perfectly and so I still follow and believe in both. -
Took English Comp 1
In English Comp 1 they discussed Taoism for a portion of the class. I found it interesting and there was a section about it in my textbook which I would re-read later. -
Went Book Shopping With My Roommate
On this book shopping trip I saw the Tao of Pooh which I had always wanted to read, because I liked philosophy but mainly because I loved Winnie The Pooh. So I bought it. -
Finished Reading The Tao of Pooh
I loved this book and immediately wanted to live the way it told me to. I took action in changing my lifestyle right away. -
Told Everyone Back Home About Taoism
I spread the word that this was the philosophy for me and in that way, sort of converted. -
Asked For The Tao De Jing
I asked for the Tao De Jing and all of the other literature on the subject I could find for Channukah that year. I got great copies. -
Started Taking Multimedia
This is the class all my blog readers hear me talk about now, it has sparked a lot of further research. -
Was Made To Make A Blog For Class
The blog I made was about Taoism and for the blog I have had to do a lot of further research on the subject and learned a lot more.