Snowed all day
Ran away
(exact date unknown) -
Learned to build fire
exact date unknown -
Met old lady
picked strawberries -
Found Frightful
Got attacked by frightful's mom -
Met Baron Weasel
Ate Frog legs
Finished Bed
Whittled Board for Shovel
Caught Deer in Trap
Slaved to make Suit
Finished Pants
Made Acorn Flour
Frightful Caught a Sparrow
Met Bando and Jesse Coon James
Made Containers for Blueberry Jam
Bando met Baron Weasel
Made Willow Whistles
Bando Left
Finished Moccasins
Preparing for Winter
Baron Weasel is Getting His Winter Fur
Moss on his hair -
Sam is Lonely & Preparing to make Fireplace
Finished Fireplace & Frightful got sick
Fireplace took all the oxygen From the Tree -
Gathered Hickory Nuts and Walnuts
Found Apples