Sam started to plan his run away
Sam bought a flint and steel
Bando left
Sam left New York
Good estimet to when Sam made salt
Sam finishs his bed
Sam digs a pit to trap a deer
Sam got Frightful
The raft is almost done, Bando and Sam make clay jars
Sam and Bando fill the jars with jam
Bando taught Sam how to make a willow wistle
Bando left Sam
Baron Weasle started to get his winter fur
Sam started on his fire place
Its made of clay. It took three days to build. -
Sam gathers nuts for the winter
Sam has Frightful keep the sqiurles busy. -
hunting season started
Sam made a fork, some undrewear, and cracks a lot of wallnuts
Sam goes into town and meets the jacket dude
news paper clipping
Wild boy living in the Catskills -
Sam thinks that the hunter are great friends if used correctly.
Sam wrote the first part of the chapter
News paper clipping
Old women said she met a boy in the Catskills -
Sam wonders if Bando will come
Bando cme back to visit
Sams Dad came
Sams Dad came on Christmas -
Sams Dad left
Sam sees a great horned owl
The deer are hungry so Sam cuts down limbs to give to them
Sam thinks that the great horned owls have eggs
Sam climbes the tree to see if the great horned owls have eggs and they do
Sam tells about the Great horned owls' eggs
Sap began to drip
Exact date unknown -
Spring- Sam could tell it was spring without looking
Sam is not living off the store house anymore
Ther is tubers,bulbs, and greens are up. -
Mat plans to come for the spring vacation
Mat found out about Sam, he won't run the story if he can stay with Sam during spring vacation -
spring smelled good and tasted good also was gentle to the eyes. Photograohers come and take pictures and write things down.
Sam's dad bring the whole family to live with Sam.