Sam finds Frightful
Sam does something
Sam does something
Sam finishedd his pants
Sam does something
Sam does somthing
Sam does some things with Frightful
Sam finds Jessie Coon James
Sam gets ready for winter
Sam learns about Haloween in the wilderness
Sam wakes up to a gun shot
Sam is still collecting wood
Sam gets his first deer
Sam compares the birds to people
Sam was bored for the first time
Sam and Frightful find a horned owl in the tree and thought he found a new nieghbor
Sam thinks that if he has kids he'll want to breed houved kids
Sam thinks the great horned owl has eggs
Sam thinks it's spring in the maple
Sam meets Matt at a town
Sam meets Matt at a town because if he doesn't Matt well tell everybody about Sam -
Sam strechs over a rock
Sam strechs over a rock on the first day of June and summer -
Sam's family comes
Sam's family comes to live with he off the land