My Reading & Writing Story

  • An Intellect was Born

    An Intellect was Born
    On January 10th, 2006, a young girl was born in a snow storm, with no awareness of the world. On Christmas day, she learned how to walk and talk. Already 11 months old and this child displays intellect and huge achievements.
  • Period: to

    A Young Girl's Journey in Reading

  • Not Shy, Not Me

    Not Shy, Not Me
    2010-2011. Being an only child, I had no friends. Family friends, yes, but no friends that I made myself. It was my first day at preschool and being exposed to various phenomenons. You have no idea how excited I was. I was four when I was exposed to reading and writing. Obviously, being the fast learner that I was, I quickly grasped the concept of reading time.
  • Exposure to More Reading

    Exposure to More Reading
    2012-2013. First day of 1st grade. My friends from last year weren't in my class, so I decided to make more friends. Not only that, I was exposed to more developed reading. The teachers quizzed us on our comprehension skills for the rest of my four years in elementary school. Us students were forced to read over the summer and log it in the roaring readers form. I hated it and loved it. In the end, I became way smarter. I remember my favorite book being, "The Night I Followed the Dog".
  • New to a Magnet School

    New to a Magnet School
    2016: 5th grade. I don't remember much that relates to reading and writing. But I do remember moving schools. From Carrigan to Wintergreen. 6th grade, a new year, 2017. I was introduced to more developed reading and the essays that came with it. Like elementary school, I was forced to read books and log it. But this time, when logged, we earn points to show the teacher how much we've been reading (which were series books). It was fun, then it wasn't, then it was. It was became a cycle.
  • Essays, Essays, Essays

    Essays, Essays, Essays
    I started 7th grade in the year of 2017 to 2018. In English class, there were many essays, counted as tests, written every two to three weeks. We were given different books for these essays and had to finish it before the test, in that two to three week span. We made Annotations and were allowed to use them for the test. Reading and writing non-stop! There were different units we read from. Fiction, non-fiction, realistic fiction, and so on. But I didn't mind at all. I liked my teacher.
  • Pandemic Panic

    Pandemic Panic
    2019-2020. 8th grade was a very complicated year. I don't remember much from my English class, but I do know that I created projects from the books that we were required to read. It was a pretty boring class and when COVID hit, I didn't read or do anything school related for a month. After that one month period was over with, I had to read articles, listen to audio books, and answer questions. Reading was pretty boring and I hated English.
  • A Whole New World

    A Whole New World
    2020-2021. First day of high school. Even though it was COVID times, I was stoked! My love for English went down the drain as my previous teacher was very boring. However, I had a new and different teacher this year. She brought my love for English back! Her name was Ms. Deninger and she made English fun. Not only that, her teaching style was very amusing. I enjoyed the essays I wrote and the books I read. I believe this is when I began to read more!
  • Deep Understanding of Literacy

    Deep Understanding of Literacy
    2021-2022. Starting off sophomore year, it was good and easy at first. Essay due first week in, that's odd... but fine. Little did I know what was in store for me. I had Mrs. Plumey's class for sophomore year and the material she taught was a bit confusing and hard to adapt to. We looked at all types of documents, old readings, poetry, etc. I wasn't used to it and I hated English class. But, I became a better reader after so much reading and writer after so many essays.
  • First AP Class

    First AP Class
    2022-2023. This year, I hope I enjoy the readings, the essays, and the curriculum! Surprisingly, I read over the summer. Of course, there was the summer assignment, but I actually read for fun or if I was bored. I don't do that. I also read a lot of online books, hard-cover romance books, and Webtoon. I heard from juniors last year that AP Lang was very fun, so I hope I enjoy as well!