my reading timeline

  • Goodnight Moon

    Goodnight Moon
    My mom would read this story to my brother and I just after I was born. She still tells me stories of when we would go camping (I was only 2 months old) and she would read this to us in our camper just before bed.
  • Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

    Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
    My mom would read this book to me as a young child. It was my favorite for many ywars. I loved the repetative words as it made me feel like I could read at a very early age. I also loved the pictures.
  • Love You Forever

    Love You Forever
    My mom would read this book to me on very regular occasions. It was always fun to see which "stage" my mom and I were in. I remember her reading this to me when I was the child flushing the watch down the toilet, as the messy teenager, and now as the adult living on my own. This book will always hold a special spot in my heart.
  • Where the Sidewalk Ends

    Where the Sidewalk Ends
    This was certainly one of those books that has stuck with me after all these years. I remember my second grade teacher reading these silly poems to us, and we would be so excited every time this book came out.
  • Bridge to Terabithia

    Bridge to Terabithia
    I remember reading this book when I was in 4th grade. It was the first time I felt a very intense connection to the characters in the book. I remember the feeling of being transported in this book. I was completely devistated when (spoiler alert) one of the main characters died.
  • Scary Stories

    Scary Stories
    This was when I truly discovered the depth in which stories can be created! I am almost 23 years old, and I can still recite some of the stories that I read from this particular book. They certainly scared me to no end, but I loved it. I remember telling my older brother some of these stories and he and I would argue over who got to read the book on certain nights.
  • Chicken Soup For The Mother And Daughter Soul

    Chicken Soup For The Mother And Daughter Soul
    I would read this book with my mom each night as we bundled up in bed together. I remember my mom reading these stories aloud to me, and it was such a bonding experience for us. We cherished these stories as we read multiple ones per night.
  • Are You There God? Its Me, Margaret

    Are You There God? Its Me, Margaret
    This was the first real teenage book that I ever read. I remember being so proud as I read this because it made me feel so grown up. I did learn a lot about life from this book as well!
  • The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby
    This is my all-time favorite book, written by my all-time favorite author. There was one time where I was reading this book for class (10th grade) and I read a particular section that made me cry. Not because it was sad, but because of how beautifuuly poetic it was written.
  • Macbeth

    This was the story where I found my love for reading intense literature, and how to decode it.