
My Reading Journey

By Bryan H
  • When I was younger.

    When I was younger.
    My first memory of reading was one of my parents reading to me and my brother.
  • Reading on my own.

    Reading on my own.
    I started reading, or at least tried to read, on my own.
  • Class Reading

    Class Reading
    Whenever we told the teacher that we had nothing to, her response was, "You can always read a book."
  • Grandmother reading to me.

    Grandmother reading to me.
    I remember when I would sleep over at my grandmother's house, she would read to me before bed.
  • My first book report.

    My first book report.
    I read "To Kill a Mockingbird" for my first ever book report. I loved the movie, so this made reading the book easier to follow and understand.
  • Boxscores and baseball stories.

    Boxscores and baseball stories.
    As I became more interested in baseball, I loved to read though the sports section for baseball statistics and stories.
  • Drivers permit test.

    Drivers permit test.
    Unfortunately, I should have studied more for my permit test. It took me a few tries before I finally passed the test. Before the third try, I actually studied and comprehended the material.
  • Didn't care much for reading.

    Didn't care much for reading.
    When I attempted college, the first time, I didn't like reading much. That is not a good strategy when taking college courses.
  • Insurance licensing exam.

    Insurance licensing exam.
    I was offered a job as an insurance agent. I had to set aside my feelings for reading and study diligently to pass the licensing exam. Fortunately, I only had to take the exam once.
  • Period: to

    Continuing education

    From 2006-2017, I would have to renew my insurance license every three years. This required me to study new topics within the insurance industry and take the corresponding tests.
  • Going back to school.

    Going back to school.
    Since my first attempt was a complete dud, I was nervous about going back to school. My only regret is waiting so long. I was worried about all the reading I would need to do. Now, it's an afterthought. I find myself reading for school and for pleasure.
  • Full circle.

    Full circle.
    Now that I am a parent, I enjoy reading to my sons every night before bed. I also help my oldest son with his reading assignments for school. I explain to him the importance of not only reading the assignment, but also understanding what he just read.