My dad started reading "Winnie the Pooh and the Pebble Hunt" with me when I was very small. He read to me when he had the chance. I eventually memorized the book.
Period: to
My sister was born and we were both read to. I also began "reorganizing" the book shelf where my sister and I had TONS of books to choose from. I would pull them all off and resort them as I pleased.
Began public school for the first time
New Teacher in 2nd grade! I was an excellent speller and I read well because I loved reading. I practiced and really enjoyed reading programs from the local library during the summer time. During my 2nd grade year, I tested and was found to be on a much h
I was an excellent speller and I read well because I loved reading. I practiced and really enjoyed reading programs from the local library during the summer time. During my 2nd grade year, I tested and was found to be on a much higher reading level than my peers. My teacher, Ms. Cook, made sure to tell me this information and it encouraged me to continue to read! -
5th Grade- After reading and writing and enjoying school overall, I was denied from the gifted and talented program for my elementary school.
Middle school really brought only a change in that I remember reading in almost all of my classes, but there were very few connections between the classes.
High school-- I was in an honors English class all throughout high school where we were constantly reading, writing, and speaking out loud. I HATED the speaking part even though I did well at it.
Because of my ability to read, I thrived throughout my classes and did not struggle much with my classes or teachers. I enjoyed reading but I was taught at an early age that it was important.
College begins. I have to not only read to keep up with class, I also need to listen, write and then be able to read and understand notes taken in my history/education classes. My lack of comprehension in certain subject areas sometimes caused me to strug
I began my first teaching job. I knew that students needed to read a lot but I was not able to understand a lot of the data that determined how to group students and teach them accordingly.
I received a grant during my 3rd year of teaching that brought iPods into my classroom for students to use during the day. Students seemed to enjoy reading online articles and it was a little easier for me to get them engaged in just paying attention to t
Begin a new job at a school with only ELL students. I have a better grasp of the importance of reading, writing, speaking and listening especially for students learning the language. I teach mostly everything through the lens of reading. It takes place ev