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My Reading History

  • Books at Home

    Books at Home
    My mom always had books for me at home and read to me when I was really little. We had a big book shelf with a lot of books on them and I think her reading to me at home from a really young age helped my reading comprehension and interest in books.
  • Junie B Jones

    Junie B Jones
    One of the series that I remember the most about reading is in elementary school when I read Junie B Jones. I remember loving these books and finishing one after the other. I loved the character and storyline and these kept me engaged in my readings.
  • Timed Reading

    Timed Reading
    One of the first things that I remember about reading, is when I was in elementary school I would take the timed reading proficiency tests from my teacher I think every month, and I would always try to reach the bottom of the page. I always scored high on these and it made me more confident as a reader.
  • ADHD

    One thing that really sets me back in my reading in my opinion is ADHD. I am very easily distracted and while reading I tend to have to read the same sentence over and over again if I can not focus and it negatively affects my reading comprehension.
  • Theater

    In elementary school I was in theater at my school. In this class we were always having to read scripts and act out parts using the cues from the scripts and reading. These plays really helped my development of context clues and understanding the emotions of the things I was reading.
  • Reading Projects

    Reading Projects
    Reading projects are something that kept me engaged and interactive with my reading in elementary school. There is one project specifically that I remember. It was changing a cereal box into my reading project and another one where I had to create a board game based off my book. I really enjoyed these projects
  • Read Aloud

    Read Aloud
    I loved when the teacher would call on me to read for the class. I was a pretty good reader in elementary and reading aloud to the class gave me a lot of confidence as a reader and helped me to feel comfortable reading around other people for my whole life.
  • SSR

    One of my FAVORITE times of the day in school at any age was SSR. Also known as silent reading time. This was my favorite because the class was quiet and it was a time for me to actually engage in my book and become interested in what I was reading. I also really looked forward to it when I was reading a good book.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    I feel that I stopped reading a lot when I got to middle school and it wasn’t “cool” to read. It was more socially accepted to talk to your friends and hang out or do other things than reading and I think that’s when I stopped reading books outside of school.
  • Uninteresting Books

    Uninteresting Books
    One thing that throws me off about reading is when I can not get engaged into the book. This mostly happened to me in high school when we read books synchronized with the class that were assigned by the teacher. I find it really hard to stay focused and understand the comprehension of the book when I am not interested and I think the more this happened, the more I did not want to read.