My reading history

  • First Understanding Words

    First Understanding Words
    I've first learned I can read and understand words around me and I knew bigger words with more than 4 letters in it. During this time I was in 1st grade or so reading and defining words.
  • Period: to

    My reading history

  • First Book Fair

    First Book Fair
    I used money from my parents to bring to school to get something from the book fair. I bought only books with what I had. At first I got a Lego book for the Lego character inside but I discovered a new type of book that interested me. Encyclopedias although different had lots of information on characters I liked. They listed facts not listed in the show.
  • Reading Regularly

    Reading Regularly
    I read books more but not too often. I read mainly Doctor Seuss books and other cartoonist books for my age. The books I read had many pictures in it which I enjoyed.
  • Introduction to Chapter Books

    Introduction to Chapter Books
    My parents showed me a new kind of book that had no pictures. I didn't see the appeal to them because they lacked exact replicas of what the book was referring to. That's when I was told to think of the books in my head to gather details about the book.
  • The Harry Potter Series

    The Harry Potter Series
    My parents enjoyed Harry Potter and read all the books as well as watched the movies multiple times. during my fifth grade year I wanted to see why and started reading them since we had the series at home.
  • Harry Potter Interest

    Harry Potter Interest
    I've read most of the books of Harry Potter and watched the movies. At this point I can picture the story well when I read. It helps with Harry Potter since it has so many details that are good to pay attention to.
  • Starting Highschool

    Starting Highschool
    during my freshmen year my English classes always had a strict teacher who would assign books to read and a group book. I got to read a book called the Skull of Truth in my free time and the nonfiction category of the book interested me.
  • Summer Reading

    Summer Reading
    I was assigned to read and annotate a book so I chose The Perfect Storm out of the options given. This book was popular and is non fiction. It had many perspectives and was different from other books because it didn't have many quotations. This change allowed me to analyze the characters by myself more and think about what they feel or think using context.