
My Reading Experience

  • The Magic Tree House Books

    The Magic Tree House Books
    I remember that in third grade, this series was among my favorites and I loved to collect them. This was influential because they inspired me to read fiction.
  • Nature and Animal Books

    Nature and Animal Books
    Ever since elementary school and up until now, my favorite genre to read is probably non-fiction. My favorite books in this category were about Whales. My third grade teacher was very nice to me and often gave me these books as gifts.
  • Charlotte's Web

    Charlotte's Web
    My fifth grade teacher once gave me a book to read after a test. It turned out that this would be one of my favorite books of all time! This book really inspired me.
  • My favorite series as a middle schooler: Fablehaven

    My favorite series as a middle schooler: Fablehaven
    I read all five books in the series because I loved them so much! This was the first time in my life I read a novel that big. This series got me interested in fantasy.
  • Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two cities

    Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two cities
    I read this book for my 7th grade class in middle school. My teacher, Ms. Prock worked very hard to make the awesome writer that I am today. This book especially, changed my writing style for good, it certainly added more of a professional style to my writing.
  • Jane Erye

    Jane Erye
    This book was definitely a challenge to get through due to its size. At the end, I really appreciated the aesthetic.
  • I Know Why the Cage Bird Sings

    I Know Why the Cage Bird Sings
    I read this book in sophomore year of High School. This book helped me find peace within myself by allowing myself to accept my sexuality. In general this book was calming and full of beauty and inspiration.
  • The Deep, My favorite Horror novel

    The Deep, My favorite Horror novel
    The Deep was one of those books that expanded my horizon as far as genres that I enjoy reading. After reading this book, my inspiration and curiosity about writing horror increased and therefor, it kept my passion for writing alive. I am so thankful for this book.
  • A Street Car Named Desire

    A Street Car Named Desire
    I read this play in my high school English class, I appreciated the story line and the contemporary problems that were brought up by the author.
  • More Non-fiction: Wicca and Religion

    More Non-fiction: Wicca and Religion
    Recently, I have been reading more about Paganism and Wicca. Naturally, this genre fuels my love for non-fiction and knowledge on spirituality.