My Reading Biography

  • Early Bloomer

    Early Bloomer
    In my kindergarten class my teacher obtained small bookshelves full of short easy read books. At the time I became interested in the Tale of Despereux and began reading. Although it took me quite a while, I was able to comprehend my reading and finished the book!
  • Reading to the class

    Reading to the class
    In 1st grade my teacher would often allow the students to read a book of their choice to the class. I would always try to choose the longest book possible as I truly enjoyed reading and sharing books with the class
  • Dear Dumb Diary

    Dear Dumb Diary
    Throughout elementary school I became intrigued with this book series as it allowed me to romanticize life as a middle school student, being captivated by boys, and having a best friend, with a diary to share everything with.
  • Percy Jackson

    Percy Jackson
    I started this series at the age of 10 during Reading SRBI. This series allowed me to expand my imaginative mind scape as it described various environment, sceneries, and worlds in-depth. It truly lead me to believe greek gods and demi gods really do exist
  • Reading Journals

    Reading Journals
    During this time in my 7th grade class my reading teacher often had the students choose books of their choice in the library and do presentations in front of the class seemingly to persuade the class to read the book. I vividly recall getting the class excited about The Perks of Being a Wallflower and my entire class taking out all the copies in the library during our next visit
  • Reading Contest

    Reading Contest
    During this time I was an avid reader and often attended the West Haven Public Library. I entered into a reading contest and ended up winning 4 unreleased books of my choice
  • Library Volunteer

    Library Volunteer
    During this time I was a volunteer at the West Haven Public Library and just began reading again after falling off. Whenever I would shelve books I would often sit down and read them as they would pique my interest. It was a nice way to reconnect with reading once more
  • The Crucible

    The Crucible
    During my sophmore year I recall being assigned an essay on a book we were to read on our own called The Crucible. At the time I fell out of reading once more and wasn't able to keep up with my studies while enjoying a book of my own interest. After beginning the book I would often procrastinate on my other studies out of genuine joy and interest in the book.
  • Born a Crime

    Born a Crime
    During my Senior year of highschool I read Born a Crime by Trevor Noah which strongly impacted me and allowed me a window into another individuals life who greatly suffered but turned their unfortunate situation into a success story. It sparked a new desire to read again