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My reading Autobiography

  • The Beginning!

    The Beginning!
    My mom began reading to me as an infant. She wanted to do things differently than she had done with my brother. My favorites as an infant were definietly the Dr. Seus collection. Specifiaclly my favorite was Green Eggs and Ham.
  • They grow up so fast

    They grow up so fast
    After consulting with my mom, this is one the first books I was able to read to her alone.
  • Period: to

    Rewards for reading!

    All throughout my upper elementary school and middle school, we were rewarded for reading. For example, if you read for 60 minutes over the summer, you would receive a free six flags ticket. During the school year, you would receive a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut if you read a certain amount of books. Such a highlight!
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    Lights, Camera, Action

    Throughout middle school, I had th eopportunity to be one of the news anchors for my school. This required reading through the school annoncements for the day, as well as reading with research for information for the news.

    Throughout middle school and high school, I participated in several plays. In order to do these plays a had to learn my scripts. This required tons and tons of reading. This was definietly reading made fun.
  • High School Days

    High School Days
    When I got to high school, we had to read text books with short stories inside of them. One of my favorite stories to read was the Odyssey.
  • My mini-me!

    My mini-me!
    One of the highlights of my reading experiences so far, is having the opportunity to read to my little sister. Watch her grow through reading is such a joy.
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    Books that are Movies

    I have always loved watching a movie and then reading the book. In college two of my favorite movies were Twilight and The Hunger Games. Theses were also excellent movies. It is also pretty cool to compare the books to the movies. For the most part, the books have been better, minus the last Hunger Games.
  • Series Phase

    Series Phase
    During the eighth grade, I went through a series stage. One of my favorite series was of course The Series of Unfourtunate Events. I also injoyed reading Junie B. Jones earlier and Amelie Bedelia.
  • College

    Since declaring Language Arts as one of my concentrations, I have done several readings. Two of my favorites that I read just last semester are A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier, and Beneath the Underdog.