My Reading Adventures

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    Reading Journey

  • The Doorknob Mishap

    The Doorknob Mishap
    When I was 3, my mom prepared me for preschool by teaching me how to write the ABCs. However, sometimes I would not want to learn causing me to earn timeout from my mom. She would then put me in timeout in the bathroom, locked, until I gave up and proceeded to learn the ABCs. But I kept trying to open the door causing the doorknob to fall out and I made my escape.
  • Don't read to me!

    Don't read to me!
    When I was around 4, I remember my mom would always try to read me bedtime stories, but I would never listen. After this happened many times, my mom gave up.
  • Extra Help

    Extra Help
    When I was in the first grade, I used to be pulled out of class and get extra help in learning how to write, read, and speak English. This helped me tremendously and after one year of these lessons, I did not need them anymore.
  • My Beloved Public Library

    My Beloved Public Library
    When I was in 2nd grade, my parents took my brother and I to the public library, the Louis Pantino branch in West Haven. Those days become some of my best memories as it excelled my love of reading. My brother and I would also spend our afternoons there. After school we would spend hours at the library to do our homework and read.
  • Scholastic Books

    Scholastic Books
    Throughout elementary school, my teachers would distribute scholastic magazines. I would love going through it even though I often wasn't allowed to buy anything. But one of the fondest purchases I made was the first book in Grimmtastics Girl series: Cinderella Stays Late.
  • Let me read!

    Let me read!
    I remember that during recess when we had to stay inside due to the weather, I would often be reading. Every time I went to my assigned class for the bus stop, the teacher (my third grade teacher) let me go through her books and choose a few. This made me read even more and my love for reading excelled.
  • Wonder: Book and Movie

    Wonder: Book and Movie
    In my ELA class, we read the book Wonder. It was a great book especially when we got to read Julian's chapter and learn why he bullied Auggie so harshly. I remember our class would not want to leave so we could finish. But then in 6th grade, the whole grade went to see the movie as a field trip. It was amazing to see the book in real life done so well, as it stayed true to the book while adding creative twists to it that didn't take away from the source material.
  • Covid: The Downfall of Public LIbraries

    Covid: The Downfall of Public LIbraries
    Once Covid caused public libraries to shut down, I completely stopped reading for fun as I was unable to access the library anymore for books. I was still able to read because of Libby, but it wasn't the same anymore. I fell into a deep reading slump. Even as the libraries started to open up, we had to call them for meetings and I didn't want to do it just to go to the library.
  • Getting Back Into Reading

    Getting Back Into Reading
    Lately, I haven't been reading as much as I used to. But when I got my Covid booster shot and was waiting for my turn. I decided to open Libby and started reading A Good Girl's Guide to Murder. I was instantly hooked. Sadly, my phone quickly died and I wasn't able to get much progress in the book. When I got home, I immediately charged my phone and resumed reading as my loan on this book was ending in the next 4 hours. When I ended the book, it became one of my favorites.
  • A New Bookshelf

    A New Bookshelf
    Since I learned of the book sales that the public library has, I've started going to them since last year, much to the annoyance of my family, as we had no room for the books that I would bring home. However that soon changed when I bought myself a new bookshelf that had to be placed in the living room, as there was no space. Now I had enough space for all my current and future books!