Ek tubes

My Personal Timeline

By Lamonsk
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina was a category five hurricane. Hurricane Katrina killed over 1,833.
  • Birth Date

    Birth Date
    This was the day that I was born. I was born here in St. Louis, I forgot what the hospital was called.
  • Cardinals won the World Series

    Cardinals won the World Series
    The St. Louis Cardinals beat the Detroit Tigers in the world series. The Cardinals won 4 out of the five games.
  • Hurricane Dean

    Hurricane Dean
    The vicious category five hurricane ripped through Jamaica, damaging many peoples homes. luckily hurricane Dean killed no one.
  • Cardinals win the World Series again.

    Cardinals win the World Series again.
    The Cardinals beat the Texas Rangers in what was known as the best world series of all time. The Cardinals won the series 4 games to 3.
  • Going to Mexico

    Going to Mexico
    Here we are going to Mexico as one big family. We tried many new foods, nd go many places.
  • Trip to Hawaii

    Trip to Hawaii
    We went with my grandparents and my moms side of the family to Hawaii over Christmas. We stayed in Maui one of the smaller Islands.
  • Going to Hawaii

    Going to Hawaii
    This is our third time as a family going on vacation as a family. We tried some amazing food, and went to the beach everyday.
  • Trip to Wisconsin

    Trip to Wisconsin
    We went to Wisconsin over summer break. We went to many big waterparks and went on many roller coasters.
  • Hurricane Harvey

    Hurricane Harvey
    Hurricane Harvey was a category 4 hurricane. Hurricane Harvey killed 39 people.