`spring 004

My Personal Time Line

By klowie
  • Period: to

    My Time Line

    5 important event that occured in my life between 2000 and 2013
  • My First Day of School

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    U.S. planes were hijacked and two struck the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York. Creating a large fire that destoried the 110-storey landmarks. While two other planes target two more areas. One was very close to the White House, and the other was the west wing of the Pentagon.
  • Graduate Elementary School

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    Other news:
    Thousands of protesters in Bangkok, Thailand protest againts the government. The protesters wanted the government step down.
  • Start High School

    Article Link(Not sure of correct date)
    Other News:
    Eddie Crowder, an American football player and coach dies. He was diagnosed with leukemia and dies beause of the complications.
  • My First Boyfriend

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    Penn State football coach was found guilty of child sex abuse.Jerry Sandusky, the University assistant football coach, was found guilty of serial child abuse between 1994 and 2009
  • My Sixteenth Birthday

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    An eight carat pink diamond was but on display in Melbourne.They found the largest pink diamond ever found in Australia was put on display at the Melbourne museum beause it could not be sold.