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My Personal Media Use Timeline

  • Television

    Television is the most common source of information it contains news for everyday happenings and other televisionsegments to inform us on the things that we don’t know. This device is the one I used for gathering information when I’m still a kid but most of the time I used it as a source of entertainment.
  • Books

    Since, technology is still not modern before as it is today, books are the most common detailed source of information before. You can use it as entertainment at the same time. I used this device before as a source of entertainment where I read different kinds of story books but now I used it to inform me in different ways.
  • Gameboy

    Gameboy is a portable device that we used as source of entertainment before. It can be a source of information depending on what game you are playing. I used this before for playing Pokemons, I used it when we are travelling and when it’s my leisure time.
  • Letters

    This is used as a way of communication before between people that are very far away from each other. Before, l encountered writing letters when our family needs to send greeting cards to our relatives who lived in America and also the relatives that are far away from us.
  • PSP

    This device is like the modern form of Gameboy, like the gameboy it can be used as entertainment and at the same time source of information depending on what game you are playing. I used it commonly only for entertainment before when we are travelling and if I have extra or free time.
  • Cellphone

    This device before can only be used as communication and source of entertainment since it has games but now you can use it as source of detailed information too since it contains internet. I use it as source of entertainment for games and also source of information when Im communicating with people that doesnt live nearby.
  • Computers

    This device is like an All In One device, it is used as source of information, entertainment and also for communication. I used it before commonly as source of information and entertainment since it has games too like other gaming devices but this time it has a broad source of information just like different kinds of books.
  • Ipad

    This device is like a modern portable computer. Just like the computer it is all in one and it can be source of information, entertainment and communcation. I used this for entertainment before since it also has games, I used it as source of information too when I need to answer different kinds of questions in my assignment.