My opinion on the most crucial event

  • Middle

    The girls worked in unhealthy conditions and had unjust punishments at the factory in which they were deducted in wages for not having shoes when the majority couldn't even afford them and were also punished if they dropped trays on accident. The women grew tired of this.
  • The end

    The end
    After going to management both sides were not satisfied and this later led to the stop of the factory on July 6th. Meetings were held by strikers and the London trades council had gotten involved. July 16 it had been determined that the unjust deductions and material problems shall be abolished in the future. A very important term that had been made was the separation of food and work so there was less contamination of phosphorus. Then only after the terms, their strike had finally ended.
  • beginning of the match girls

    beginning of the match girls
    The match girls worked at a factory where the matches were made and there were made with Phospurus and many other chemicals they varied the amount in sticks. Soon disease had been spreading and that affected those who worked with the white phosphorous. This is known as phossy jaw which became from inhalation of the vapor shown in mostly oral-like symptoms. (this was in the late 19th century)