My Nursing Journey

  • First Day in United States

    First Day in United States
    My very first day, I visited San Clemente Beach. Pregnant with my second child, I went to visit my husbands restaurant.
  • Bought my first house

    Bought my first house
    On June 1, 2001, we bought our very first house. It was an exciting time for me and the kids. I was a stay at home mom raising two boys.
  • Back to School

    Back to School
    I decided that I wanted to advance myself and go back to school. In 2009, I decided to attain my Medical Assistant Diploma. This was my very step into the medical field and nursing world. I graduated with my diploma in April of 2010.
  • CNA School

    After my first born graduated high school in 2012, I decided to go to a CNA program and attain my CNA certificate. I graduated in 2014.
  • LVN School

    LVN School
    In 2018, I started my LVN program and graduated in 2019. I started working right after graduation and NCLEX exam. That was also the beginning of COVID-19.
  • Personal Caregiver for my Father

    Personal Caregiver for my Father
    My dad was dying of lung cancer, I had to take time of work to stay at home and take care of him. At this time, he had told me that I was a great nurse. His words are what motivated me to pursue my ADN. That day, I made him a promise to continue my education and become an RN before he passed away.
  • Mother Passed Away

    Mother Passed Away
    Unexpectedly, my mother passed away one year after my father. I made a promise to her in the hospital before she died that I would become an RN. My parents are my motivation and the reason I am in nursing school today.
  • United University of Nursing

    January 19, 2024 I started the ADN program at UUN. I am finally achieving my dreams. I am beyond grateful to be where I am today.